Dancing in the dark

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"What did you lie to me about?" I asked. "When you asked if I had any family I panicked and said I didn't. I actually have a dad but.." Tubbo said looking scared. "But what?" I said. "He.. he sometimes hurts me.." Tubbo said quietly. "He hurts you?!" I said. I feel so bad for Tubbo, his own father hurts them. "I'm so sorry Tubbo." I said and hugged him. I could feel Tubbos tears and we hugged. "You don't have to go back to him" I said still hugging him. Tubbo pulled away from the hug with teary eyes. "I do, if I don't he'll kill me" Tubbo said scared. "I'll protect you. I promise." I said. "Thank you Tommy.." Tubbo said sniffling. I'm not going to let Tubbo go back to his dad and I'm not going to let him die. He's my only friend. "We should probably go to bed, it's late. I'm going to go downstairs and get techno to help set up a bed for you" I said standing up. "Okay" Tubbo said wiping his tears.


"I thought you were dead!" I screamed at him. "I'm not dead, I faked my death after finding a winged person. He has escaped me so now I have to find where he is." Schlatt said. "Why'd you kidnap me?! Are you crazy or something?!" I scream at him again. "Stop all of the questions, it's getting on my nerves." Schlatt said starring me in the eyes. I stayed silent I didn't want to get hurt. I need to find a way out of here, Tommy and Tubbo need me. Wait. Is Tubbo the winged person schlatt found. I really need to get back home to them! Tubbo is in danger!! "Now, have you seen this person" schlatt showed me a picture of Tubbo. He looked scared and bloody. I shut my eyes at the sight of blood. "I haven't" I said. "Open your eyes Wilbur, don't make me do it for you" schlatt said. I heard the sound of sword and opened my eyes so quick. I saw schlatt pointing the sword to my head. "Good." Schlatt put his sword to his side. "I don't want to have to get my sword dirty tonight" schlatt said putting his sword back. I looked around the room and saw blood stains everywhere. I feel like I'm going to through up. "Why am I here?" I asked quietly. "HEY BITCH LISTEN HERE. I TOLD YOU TO STOP WITH THE FUCKING QUESTION. IT PISSES ME OFF. BE QUIET AND ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!" Schlatt yelled and threw a punch at me. "I'm sorry schlatt..." I regret saying that. "HAHHAHAHA YOU REALLY DONT LIKE LISTENING DO YOU WILBUR. MAYBE THIS WILL MAKE YOU SHUT UP!" Schlatt grabbed a bat and walked toward me. "SCHLATT NO PLEASE DONT HIT ME!" I screamed. "GOODNIGHT BITCH" Schlatt said as he swung the bat and hit me. I blacked out again.


"Philza can we go outside and play while techno makes Tubbos bed?" I asked. "Yeah, just be careful kids alright?" Philza said lecturing us. "Yeah yeah" I said grabbing Tubbos hand and running outside. "Wanna see who can is faster?" I asked Tubbo. "Sure! I bet I'll win though!" Tubbo said smiling. "HA, not possible. Ready, 3, 2, 1, GO!" I said. I started running as fast as I could and looked to my side seeing Tubbo keeping up with me. We were running side by side the entire race, no one could get ahead of the other person. We reached the finish line and we ran past it together. "It's a tie, your really fast Tubbo!" I said out of breath. "Thanks, you are too Tommy." Tubbo said also out of breath. Let's walk back home." I said. "Okay!" Tubbo said following me. We walked for a while and talked about things we liked. "Do you know how to dance tommy?" Tubbo said and stopped walking. I stopped walking, "No not really." I said. "I'll teach you! I'll be the female in the dance you can be the guy." Tubbo said walking closer to me. Tubbo took my hand and said, "put your hand on my hip and hold my hand" I put my hand on Tubbos hip and held his hand. "Like this?" I asked. Tubbo nodded and said, "Yeah! Follow my lead" Tubbo started moving and I tried my best to follow his lead. Tubbo flapped his wings a little and danced. I looked down at Tubbos feet trying to copy him. "Now spin me" Tubbo said. I looked up and said, "how do I do that?" "Just hold my hand and spin me" Tubbo said letting go of my shoulder but still holding my hand. I let go of Tubbos waist and spun his around. I watched Tubbo spin then take my shoulder again. "That was good tommy!" Tubbo said letting go of my hand and shoulder. I laughed and said, "thank you, techno is probably done now so let's go back inside" "Okay, I'll race you!" Tubbo said running. "Hey no fair you got a head start!" I said running after him.


Sorry for the long chapter I didn't notice how many words I had till I was finishing the chapter. Thank you so much for almost 600 reads, that's a lot of people!! I'm glad that you guys like the story!

908 words

Falling for U (Tubboinnit, Tubbo x Tommy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora