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I knew as soon as I heard the scream. That was Tubbo. I shouldn't have said those things to him. I didn't mean it. I started running. I ran towards where I heard the scream. I ran till I found a house. It looked old and run down. I heard crying and screaming inside. Tubbos in here, I know it. I looked around for a weapon I could use. I picked up a bat I found leaning against a tree. It had blood on it. I tried opening the door and to my surprise it was already open. I walked in slowly. "Hello?" I said. "Tommy? Never thought you would visit me." Schlatt said and walked out of the shadows. Schlatt is Tubbos father?! "Did you kill my brother." I said holding the bat up. "Yeah, he was being a bitch and wouldn't answer my questions." Schlatt said. Why would Schlatt do that. He's a psycho! I swung my bat as hard as I could and hit Schlatt in the head. Schlatt fell to the floor. Did I just kill him?! Oh my god I just killed someone! I slowly felt Schlatts heart beat. I didn't kill him, just knocked him out. I grabbed Schlatts sword and looked around the house for places Tubbo could be. I ran down the stairs. "Dream?!" I looked behind Dream and saw Tubbo beat up and covered in blood, bruises and cuts. "What did you do, your a monster!" I screamed at dream. Dream turned around and stared at me saying nothing. "" Tubbo said quietly. I'm not leaving Tubbo. "Tubbos going to die Tommy, he's lost to much blood. Leave him." Dream said. I looked at Dream and saw the blood splatters on his face. I can't kill Dream. I'll go to jail if I do. I threw a punch at Dream but he blocked it. "I'm not going to hurt you tommy. Leave and your stay alive." Dream said walking closer to me. I backed away. I slowly bent down. "Surrendering? Good choice tommy." Dream said. I grabbed my sword and stabbed Dream in the chest. "YOU FUCKER!" Dream spat out blood as he spoke. I pulled the sword out of dreams chest and he fell to the floor. I actually killed someone this time. I ran over to Tubbo and untied him. I'll have to carry him, he can't walk. I picked Tubbo up trying to be careful. I ran up the stairs and out of the house with Tubbo. I ran slower than normal due to me holding Tubbo. I didn't know where to go. I couldn't go back home. Where do I- "Tommy, let me go. I can walk" Tubbo said weakly. I let go of Tubbo and he stumbled a little bit he could walk. "Tubbo, we need to get you to a doctor. You've lost so much blood already!" I said. "I'm fine, Schlatt has done worse to me." Tubbo said. "I'm so sorry Tubbo" I said as tears started to form again. Tubbo started running. "TUBBO, YOU SHOULDN'T RUN!" I screamed after him and started running. Why is Tubbo running away from me? Is he still mad at me for what I said? Tubbo started flying. He flew faster than he ran so I could keep up. "TUBBO!!!" I screamed and kept running.


My whole body hurts, I wish the pain would just stop. I wiped my tears and kept flying. My wings hurt to much. I can't fly anymore. I tried to land but fell over out of pain. I stood up and looked around. I'm at a mountain. I looked down. It was hard to see the ground. I was so high up. Tears ran down my face and I stepped closer to the edge. I heard small rocks falling and I walked close to the edge of the mountain. Am I really going to kill myself? It would solve all of my problems. Tommy wouldn't have to worry about me anymore. Dream and Schlatt would get to live to together and be a family. Tommy and his family could be happy. They would all do so much better without me. It's all my fault that everyone is sad. "Do it. Jump off. Everyone hates you. Tommy doesn't like you. Tommy hates you. He never liked you. Kill yourself." The voices are too loud. They hurt my head. "Stop.... please... your lying! I'm not useless!" I screamed at the voices "stop faking it. Useless. Faggot. Hated." The voices kept getting louder. I couldn't stop them! "TUBBO!!" Tommy screamed as he came into view. "I love you Tommy..." I leaned backwards...


So yeah Tubbo has a crush on Tommy. I'm sorry for the big cliff hanger but I don't think I'll post the next chapter anytime soon. It might come out at night or tomorrow. The mountain Tubbo jumped off of was the place tommy and Tubbo danced together.

835 words

Falling for U (Tubboinnit, Tubbo x Tommy)Where stories live. Discover now