Stay alive (chapter 2)

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Tommy untied himself then untied me. I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and said "should we leave him here?" "He should be fine" Tommy said. We helped each other walk and got out of there not looking back. I stopped at the first house we saw and knocked on the door. "Hello?" Quackity answered. "Help us please.." I said. "SAPNAP! KARL! COME HERE!" Quackity shouted. Seconds later they came running down the stairs. "Who did this to you?!" Karl asked as he grabbed bandages. "Dream" I said.


"Boo" George said. He moved my sword away from dreams neck causing our swords to make an X. "I don't want to fight you George." I said. George pushed his sword closer to me and said, "You hurt Dream so now I will hurt you." I took my sword out of the X and slashed his leg. That cut shouldn't make him able to walk. George fell back a little but was still standing. "That's not going to be enough to beat me. I want a battle to the death." George said. I have to kill George to kill Dream. Two on one. Not the best chances of winning. I looked behind my wing. Tommy and Tubbo were gone. That's good. "HEY CMON FIGHT ME!" George says. He swings his sword at my wing an I barely miss it. "Now this is fun!" George said. My wings are a big target and once they've been cut I'll pass out. I watched as Dream just walks past me and out of the forest. I hope Tommy and Tubbo got far away. "Kill me or you die!" George says. "Your crazy" I said. "Maybe I am!" George said and started laughing. He held his arms out to his side leaving him wide open and said, "Here I'll give you a free shot!" George said. I'm going to have to kill him, I should just do it now. I swung my sword at George's neck and closed my eyes not wanting to see his head fall. When I didn't hear the thud of George's head I opened my eyes. "Too slow" George says. He shoves his sword in my stomach. I cough up blood on George. George let's go of his sword causing me to fall backward. George grabs his sword and pulls it out of me. "Goodbye Philza." George says. My vision gets blurry. No I have to stay alive. I have to protect Tommy and Tubbo. Please...... Stay alive.


Tommy is sleeping on the guest bed. Thanks to Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity we are both cleaned up but still a little weak. "I think someone's at the door I'm going to go check it out." Karl says and walked downstairs. "Hi dream!" Karl says. It was hard to hear but I could tell Dream was here. I locked the door and sat next to Tommy. I hope they can keep us hidden. I heard Karl and Sapnap talking to Dream "Dream no." "He's not here." "I'm closing the door" "don't hurt him!" "What is wrong with you" then they stopped. Someone walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Tubbo, its Karl open the door." Someone said. That is not Karl. That's Dream.


30k READS!? YOU GUYS ARE INSANE! THANK YOU SO MUCH! The rest of this week I promise I'll post more parts. Sorry for short chapter.

575 words

Falling for U (Tubboinnit, Tubbo x Tommy)Where stories live. Discover now