I hate you (chapter 2)

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I woke up in a weird place. I don't know where I am. There is no one here and it looks like I'm floating!? I have to find a way back to Tommy and Tubbo. "Philza?" A voice said. Their voice seemed to echo. I turned around. "Wilbur..." I said. I tried running to him but I floated over. It was weird. I hugged Wilbur. "How are you alive?" I asked Wilbur. "Philza... we're not alive" Wilbur said. Not alive. I died? "No, I can't leave Tommy and Tubbo alone. They aren't strong enough." I said. "Philza don't worry they will be okay." Wilbur said. I looked down. "Your going to have to spend five days here until your ghost can go to earth. You'll lose some of your memories when you become a ghost though." Wilbur said. He grabbed my hand and said "come, I'll bring you to my home here" I followed Wilbur to his home. "We can wait here until your ready to become a ghost" Wilbur said. I nodded and hugged him. "Thank you" I said.


I stayed silent. Maybe he was just guessing I was in here. There is no way he knows. "Sapnap is here with me" Dream said. "Open the door Tubbo." Sapnap said. That was definitely Sapnap. Maybe I should open it. Sapnap wouldn't hurt us. I stood up but someone grabbed my hand. Tommy. He whispered to me quietly so Dream wouldn't hear. "We can escape through the window. If you can fly" I could fly. I opened the window. "Don't ignore me! I'll have to break this door down." Dream said. I know he wasn't kidding about that. I jumped out the window. I flew. Tommy held on to me as I flew down. "Now what?" I asked. "Now we run" Tommy said. We ran as fast as we could. "Tommy.." I said and stopped running. "If dream is here what does that mean for philza..." I asked. Tommys eyes widened. He grabbed my hand and we ran back to the place Dream held us. Tommy stopped. On the ground was philzas body. His clothes were bloody. "You can save him with your tears right?!" Tommy said. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. I walked over to philza. "He's been dead for too long, I can't save him." I said. I started crying but I knew my tears wouldn't do anything. I tried to hug Tommy but he pushed me away. "Tommy?" I said. "It's your fault. It's all your fault." Tommy said. "What.. what do you mean..?" I asked. "If it weren't for you Wilbur and Philza would still be alive. I would have a GIRLfriend and a happy life. I DONT HAVE ANY OF THEM BECAUSE OF YOU." Tommy yelled at me. It's all my fault. I did this. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. "I hate you Tubbo." Tommy said. Tommy started running. I didn't chase him. All of those words. They hurt but he's right. I should have known Tommy wanted a girlfriend and not a boyfriend. I should have known loving him was wrong. I should have left when I had the chance. I should have died. It should have been me. If I was dead it would all be okay. I should go back to Schlatt. Even better I should just kill myself.


Tommy and Tubbo sad times. Short chapter again. I don't want people to hate on me or the people that read this so from now on if I get hate from you more than once you'll be muted.

609 words

Falling for U (Tubboinnit, Tubbo x Tommy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin