"But It doesn't make sense." Ahmya continued for her sensei,

"If Jigen were to die, taking Isshiki with him...Kawaki would be the sole remaining vessel. We'd be playing right into Isshiki's hands, right? Amado?" 

"Bastard! Don't tell me this was all a setup!" Her brother suddenly bursts into the room and tries to attack but her sensei quickly cuts his arm.

"Long time no see, Kawaki. You seem well."

"Amado, you bastard! What are you plotting?!!"

"I don't appreciate the accusations. Just let me finish explaining and you'll see what I mean."

"Go on and spill it then!" Demands the Nara.

"But nice and simple, so we understand!"

"Jigen will likely burn to death in a few more minutes along with Isshiki inside of him. When an Otsutsuki dies, the transfer into one's vessel begins automatically. Even Isshiki himself cannot control it. It's a strict Karma rule, and though Jigen and Kawaki are both vessels of Isshiki's...Jigens Karma has had enough time to have completed the extracting...So Jigen is fully ready to be used as Isshiki's vessel at any moment." He switches his gaze onto Kawaki.

"Whereas Kawaki has still not finished the process. Just like with Boruto, his Otsutsuki-fication  in in progress, but won't be done for some time. In short, he cannot be used as Isshiki's vessel yet."

"So you're saying...If Jigen dies now and Kawaki can't be used yet...Isshiki won't be able to come back for a while? At least until Kawaki completed becoming a proper vessel?"

"Wait a sec!" Boruto interrupts.

"Dont tell me your planning to kill Kawaki before that happens?!"

"Well...That is one option."

"Not funny! I Ain't gonna allow that!"

"LET HIM TALK!" They all stop and look at Ahmya.

"Let him talk, damn it!"

"Thank you, Megumi."

"Anyways, it's about time...Let's turn back to the feed." They turn to watch the live video.

"Watch closely. Otsutsuki Isshiki is going to show his true form."


"Isshiki's going to resurrect?!"

"But how?! I though his vessel Jigen. is already dead!?"

"Yeah, he died. Medically, that it. But as an Otsutsuki vessel it doesn't matter if it's a corpse burnt to a crisp. As long as it's a body bearing a Karma it'll function sufficiently to be a vessel for reincarnation." He looked at Kawaki.

"Kawaki...I'm glad you're here. There's something I wanted to confirm with my own eyes."


"The phenomenon about to happen to your body." As if on cue, Kawaki's hand stars throbbing.


"What's wrong, Kawaki?!" His Karma begins activating.

"The Karmas--!! What the--?!" 

"Hey Kawaki!! Are you okay?!"


"What the hecks going on?!! What's happening to him?!" 

"Stop it Boruto!" Sasuke removes Borutos hand from Amado's shirt.


"Would you mind being quiet for a bit? I'm seeing this for the first time too." Calmly replies the man.

But somehow, Kawaki's rampage stops and he falls on the ground unconscious.

"Kawaki! Hey!" Ahmya stares, concern bubbling in the pit of her stomach.

"It's not just that the rampage stopped. Look closely at Kawaki's left palm."

"The Karma! It's gone!!"

"Hey Amado! Explain to us exactly what is happening right now?!"

"It appears that Isshiki's reincarnation is complete using Jigen's body. Of course, it's not a coincidence. When an Otsutsuki reincarnates using a vessel...All other Karma implanted in other vessels are simultaneously erased...All together. No matter how many vessels exist. I suspect it's some sort of safety feature to percent the risk of creating duplicate copies of the same personality, but..Well, that doesn't matter. What's key is that right not, he no longer possesses even a single vessel for the purposes of reincarnating further."

"Do you understand what that means?" He looks at all their faces.

"That's right...At the moment...It's possible to kill an immortal Otsutsuki for good." He looks at the static screen.

"Gah. The scout frog was done in."

"Is Kashin Koji all right?!" Naruto yells, still looking at the broken screen.

"The plan was mostly fruitful. We were successful at dragging Isshiki out using Jigen. Koji has served his function."

"...You mean he's not going to make it?"

"That was never part of the plan. We wouldn't be jumping through such hoops if Isshiki were someone who could be easily defeated."

"I'm not sure why, but I can't shake the feeling that he was fighting Isshiki like he really meant to take him down. You did explain it to him straight, right? That this mission was a one-way ticket to the after life?!"

"What's your point? And why are you both so bothered?"

"I don't know. I truly can't figure out why i'm so concerned about him..."

Ahmyas eyes widen and she looks at Amado.

'Is...Is Koji a clone of Jiraiya-Sama...?'

Chapter End~

I just read the manga part and yall- He's a clone of Jiraiya so excuse me while I go cry-

Also, I have a book recommendation for all you Kakashi simps.

It's got great detail and plot and is definitely underrated!

Check it out!


It's by @ladymoo20 

Love you all~!

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