How To Kill An Otsutsuki.

Start from the beginning

"What?!" Shikamaru sweats slightly.

"As I mentioned earlier, their objective was to plant the divine tree and harvest its chakra fruit. But then a problem arose." 

"A problem?" He nodded at Ahmya.

"Kaguya suddenly turned against Isshiki." Their eyes widen.

"I don't know Kaguyas motives whether it was personal enmity...Or wanting the fruit all to herself. Theres no way to find out now, but...The important thing is that it happened." 

"Caught off guard, Isshiki suffered enough damage to be on the verge of death, but... He managed to take over the body of a novice monk who happened to be nearby, and survived. That unfortunate man was Jigen."

"One question." All attention goes to Sasuke.

"Is that when Isshiki marked Jigen with Karma? Otsutsuki use the karma to take over others bodies..Right?" Ahmya grimaces.


"Before I answer hat...I'd like to get your response, lord hokage. Will konoha give me asylum or not?" Ahmya blinks.

"And may I remind you that I am formally requesting official asylum as outlined in the laws of the land of fire. I've done my research...Special provisions give the hokage authority to make that decision without waiting for consensus from the daimyo. And i'll have that decision in writing." Immediately Ahmya responds.

"Do it." Naruto looks at her slightly surprised.

"What? It's not like he's gonna kill me- oh wait..." She sweatdropps.

"Oi, Amado, let me go." He snorts.

"Fine. But the paper will have to wait since we're both short on time right now."

"That's acceptable. Confirming your verdict is enough. However, I shall not be removing the explosive from Ahmya until I have the paperwork in hand. For it's my only for of insurance."

"Thanks man." She deadpans as they ignore her.

"Understood. Sorry, Ahmya."

"No worries. All right, now talk."

"Very well. This is the truth about Karma... Sasuke's inference actually isn't that far off the mark. Except it's not quite that simple either." Ahmya sighs, feeling hungry.

"Let me explain using Boruto's case as an example. His Karam was embedded by Otsutsuki Momoshiki so then what exactly happened to Boruto?"

"During the battle, Momoshiki converted himself into data, replicated himself and implanted that into Boruto's body."

"Well shoot." Ahmya mutters.

"Do you understand? In short, Karma...Is a highly compressed Otsutsuki backup file."


"The compressed file slowly extracts over time. That is going on even this very minute, and when all of this data is fully extracted...." He looks at Ahmya.

"Boruto's body will be overwritten by Momoshiki's data and Boruto himself will completely cease to exist."

"Are you kidding me?!" Naruto yells.

"How can we save him? How do you block the process?!"

"Can...I do anything?" He shakes his head.

"As far as I know, there isn't a way. Although...You could probably prevent Momoshiki's rebirth if you killed Boruto right now."


"What is it?" He looks at Sasuke.

"Let's say Momoshiki does get reborn into Boruto's Body. What happens to the karma?"

"Good question. The extracted Otsutsuki data dissipates through the whole body. So like a sugar cube you put into your tea that eventually dissolves completely, the karma will also disappear."

"Hmm." Sasuke narrows his eye.

"That's odd..." Ahmya raises an eyebrow.

"Otsutsuki Isshiki took over Jigens body but he still has the Karma. Why didn't it disappear?"

"That right. What's going on?" Ahmya questions.

"The fact that Jigen's body still displays the Karma means Isshiki still hasn't revived, right? The same as Boruto with Momoshiki. Your explanation is flawed."


"What's so funny, bastard!?? Are you messing with us!" He grabs his collar.

"Stand down, Shikamaru!"

"Let go of me. I've been granted asylum, remember? Should the Hokage's aide be raising a hand against a civilian." He suddenly gets slapped.

"He's the hokage's aide but i'm just some dumb kid, so watch your mouth Baka." Ahmya glares at him as Amado's eyes held amusement.

"I told you, it's a complicated story. I'm not messing with anyone. Sasuke has brought up quite the astute point, but theres a huge misunderstanding."

"Go on." Naruto urges.

"Isshiki did take over Jigens body. However, it was not by using a Karma like I just explained."

"Maa, What do you mean?"

"The reason is simple. He was so weakened that he really was about to die. To implant a Karma is a pretty big undertaking. He didn't have enough energy for it, thus, Isshiki came up with a desperate plan.. He performed his secret jutsu, Sukuna-Hikona to shrink his body and infiltrated Jigens body through the ear."


"That's disgusting." 

"He lives within Jigens body, absorbing nutrients from it. Yeah, just like a parasite. He eventually came to control Jigens brain and took over Jigens body for good. But Isshiki still physically exists withing Jigen's body. Isshiki embedded a karma into Jigens body afterward, in order to be reborn in his true form."

"I dont get it...If Jigen has a Karma, why doesn't he just hurry up and revive?"

"It's because the important factor in embedding a karma is selecting the right target, namely the vessel. Poor Jigen is the one who just happened to be nearby, Isshiki's chakra was too massive for him. Jigens body is inadequate to be Isshiki's vessel. It wouldn't be able to bear his chakra if Isshiki were to reincarnate in Jigens body. It'd probably die within a few days, Thus, Isshiki decided to pass on being reborn through Jigen and began preparing a new vessel."

"So this new vessel of Isshiki's...Is Kawaki isn't it?" Ahmya clenches her teeth.

"Originally, it was meant to be Megumi here." She stiffens. "But Akira ultimately destroyed that plan. We must not let him be reborn in Kawaki's body. Isshiki's power is immense...If he were to return in full form...We won't be able to stop him! It'll be the end of this world. So long as there is Karma, Otsutsuki will revive. They are beings who managed to transcend death." Ahmya breath slightly faster but remains quiet.

"But it's not like it's impossible." He looks at Ahmya.

"I'll teach all of to kill an Otsutsuki!"








Chapter End~

Well Shoot-

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