Though she probably should have been sleeping, Ashley stayed awake and just Watched Gabriel. It was a calming sensation for some reason, just watching him clean an already clean home, work on random things from his phone or laptop, and listen to the few calls he made about small business things.

She was content in the bed for once in her life, she felt safe in a bed. She felt warm watching Gabriel work around things, she felt happy again, even after the break down of today and the fear that came over as quickly as it left.

She knew that this happiness was only temporary. She knew that whatever this was, it wouldn't stay around forever, hell, she had gotten rid of the fear for a day, only for it to hit her in the face like a bus again the next.

She accepted that she lived in fear as she watched gabriel, but she also accepted that she didn't want this lightness around her to dim. Ashley was happy and content for now, and that's all anyone really cared about at the moment.


Walking down the side stairs of Gabriel's apartment building, Ashley prayed he wouldn't wake up while she was still leaving. She had gotten up early, noticing how Gabriel was passed out next to her on the bed, Ashley grabbed her clothes rather quickly and once again, ran her hair into a ponytail before leaving the apartment.

Getting down the last flight of stairs of the building, Ashley huffed as she dug through her purse to find her wallet for bus money. It had taken her a bit to get down due to her legs hurting, a lot, and the amount of floors there were in the building. Opening the access door into the lobby, Ashley continued to dig through her purse until she heard talk, very familiar talking, which caused her to stop when she looked up.

Seeing Gabriel standing there in a loose shirt and sweatpants with a man behind a desk...a man in a security outfit. They both only looked at her, one of them smirking and the other looking rather upset. .Ashley stood there with her face redding as Gabriel leaned off of the desk and walked to her, taking her hand in his as he leaned down to her ear. "Where are you going?"

"H-Home." pulling away, Gabriel looked at her face for a moment before breaking a smile.

"Thanks Nox, we'll be going now," Taking Ashleys hand to the elevator, Gabriel waved to the security guy as Ashley followed. "Just...wait for me to get ready at least. I said I would take you home Ashley. You didn't need to sneak out."

"I got worried that you wouldn't want to take me, i figured-"

"Ashley, again, I said I would take you and I meant it, just relax, okay."

Getting into the apartment again, Gabriel left Ashley after letting her know that he would be quick to get ready. Leaving Ashley alone on the couch again, she went through her phone and read messages from people. Everyone was fine and good, Danny was staying at Jacks for a few days until the court dates later this week, and Billy had his baby, a little girl named Izzy.

Marco has emailed Ashley that he would help her get the replacement trained into everything today so Ashley wasn't alone helping him with things she didn't really know.

Even Tommy had messaged her saying she had fun this weekend and was happy Ashley had talked to her about the events happening in her life. Seeing these people talk to her and reassure her and so much more made her feel a little better about the day already.



"Did you want to get going?"

"Oh, yeah! Sorry."

"It's fine." From there on they were both quiet, on the way to Gabriel's car, to the entire ride to Ashley's Apartment. Getting out of the car, Ashley was quick to get to the doors and unlock it, with Gabriel soon following her up the stairs cautiously.

With somewhat shaky hands, Ashley unlocked her home and peaked in, scared John would be in there somewhere. He wasn't in the living room or kitchen that Ashley could see, though Gabriel was the first one inside the apartment.

"Where's your room?"

"Down the hall."

"It's just the one?" nodding, gabriel went down the hall and checked the bathroom and Ashley's small bedroom before coming out and letting her run to her room. Grabbing clothes to change into quickly, Ashley hurried to the bathroom, not wanting to be late or make Gabriel late for anything important as well.

Tossing clothes on, Ashley settled in a white top with mesh sleeves and black jeans, quickly going through her morning routine, Ashley rushed to brush her teeth and hair out, putting on little makeup and socks as she multitasked in the bathroom.

Running out of the bathroom and back to her room, Ashley grabbed a few small things before walking out again and seeing Gabriel on a phone call in her kitchen, leaning against the counter as he talked to someone over the phone.

He overlooked Ashley at first until she came into the kitchen to grab something from her fridge to eat later, reaching above the fridge for a small lunch bag to put her food in. Struggling a bit to reach the bag that was thrown up, Gabriel walked over while listening to the person on the phone, reaching above Ashley and grabbing the bag, he had given it to her as she silently thanked him.

When they were both done, Ashley locked her home up again and left behind Gabriel on their way to work from there on, still pretty silent in the car.

It was when they both had gotten into The Sanctuary where Gabriel had pulled Ashley aside for a moment again to speak with her.

"Marco will help you today, don;t worry about getting a whole lot done okay?"


"I'll see you later then." Heading to his office and leaving Ashley behind, Gabriel nodded and grabbed his phone from his pocket, he was about to make a new call regarding Ashley and John before Ashley had stopped him again.

"H-Hey? Thanks for last night, and this morning. I honestly didn't want to go home alone today, so thanks."

"Of course."

Heading up front next, Ashley smiled as the door opened with Marco and Billy's replacement walking through the door. For a moment Ashley didn't realize who was through the door, she had only looked up when Marco coughed and the man next to him smiled at Ashley, the smile turning to a smirk when he locked eyes with her.

"Hey Doll."


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