"Armaan, you're here, let's go."

He, Kritika and her sister walked out and they dropped her sister.
Now it was just two of them.

And it was Kritika who spoke first because Armaan was still in dilemma.

"I think Armaan, I think we should stop."

"What?" Armaan asked.

"I guess, we can't be happy together, we're not meant to be. You know what I'm trying to say, right?"

"Yes, I think that too." Armaan felt his heart was now burden free, he wasn't hurting her but it was a mutual decision.

"We can still be friends, can we?"

"Definitely," he smiled.

"Now wouldn't you get your friend a coffee?"


While Kritika drank coffee, Armaan was lost in thoughts of the girl he met at the Library... her eyes had something that was hidden behind her specs... and that's why stole Armaan's sleep.

Next morning, Armaan got ready for the studio, as he sat in the car a through struck his mind and he took the long way to the studio, the road which had the library on the way.

He just couldn't help but do that. He didn't even understand why he did that. He wasn't even sure if he was gonna see the girl again...
He just drove and stopped at the red signal which was a few metres away from the Library, while the car was at halt, his eyes found what he was looking for. The girl from the Library.

She was helping an old woman crossing the road, he was so lost that until the driver behind him didn't give a horn, he didn't realize that the signal was now green.

He saw the girl walk in the Library, his hard work didn't lay waste.

He parked the car and walked in the Library.
In the Library, he found the girl sitting and reading the same novel as yesterday when the library incharge, an old lady asked him in a quiet voice, "Take a seat if you want to read."

He wasn't surprised that no one recognised him because all the people were engrossed in their books and making noise wasn't allowed there.

He looked at the books, it made him stressed cause he never liked reading a lot and he wasn't ever a bookworm.

He picked up a book and went to sit two seats away from the girl. She was busy reading. He gazed and gazed but little did he know that... she knew he was looking at her, then his phone  rang up suddenly and it wasn't on silent, so there was a noise, all the people looked at him. Many of them recognised him and he knew he was damned because it was Amaal's call, he was late for recording and people had recognised him. Adding to all that, the girl stood up and walked away from here to the other side of the library.
He sighed and clicked pics with fans and drove to the studio.

There he was scolded by Amaal and after alot of fights, scolding and throwing things at each other, a masterpiece song for SRK was recorded.

While driving back to home, he again took the same road and stopped at the Library. It was now empty but from the glass door he saw that the girl was still inside.

So he rushed in, the girl was shocked.

"The time for people to be in the library is over. Why are you here?" The girl asked in frustration, "you better leave please."

 "... Sorry I didn't know but I wanted to borrow a book."

The girl gave him a look, an eyebrow raised, "why would you come late if you would want a book?"

"I was busy. I want the book. And how are you still here if the Library is closed, no closed board outside."

"I was about to put it, and it's MY library, I'm its owner, I can say as long as I want to be here."

"Oh okay, do me a favour and lend me the book."

Armaan was just messing, he didn't want the book but he just wanted to be near the girl...

The girl sighed, "name of the book?"

And Armaan was dumbfounded, he didn't even know any novel name or anything but then he remembered the book she was reading, Why She disappeared.

"Why she disappeared."

The girl looked up to him with strange expressions.

"Is that not available?" He asked

"It is." She said and got him the book.

"Happy reading." She said.


Then she carried on her work and put on her earphones but she noticed that he was leaving, he wanted to ask her name and talk more but he couldn't... he wished she stopped him.

Then he heard, "Mr! Wait please."


A/N - 

He's at the Library but the girl doesn't seem really impressed by him lol but she stopped him... for what? keep pondering. 

I love ending chappys at clifffhangers!

💀I was going to keep Ishita, didn't because it gets embarrassing to write some things with your own name so I decided Inaya 🤪ends with a and starts with I, just like Ishita, perfect 🤣💖

Anyways reader, don't be a  silent reader and press that little cute 🌟, make it orange and leave A COMMENT.

Also ignore the mistakes and typos, the book is under editing~

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