.Im always here for you.

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(Y/n) P.O.V

He came walking towards me and he looked angry. I tried backing away but I couldn't, I stood still for some reason. I guess because I still love him and I don't want to leave him... Austin grabs Maka and says "Cmon lets leave them alone.." Maka nods and they walk away. Soul stopped in front of me, he was looking down at me. I was pretty short for him, and he's gotten taller over the training he's been doing. His hair covers his eyes, the wind blows on us. I stood their frozen, I wiped my tears but more kept coming out. So I turned around and walked away, but before I walked away Soul grabs my arm and stops me. I gasped he has a straight face on, "S-soul let go of me-"
He pulls me into his chest and hugs me tight. I blushed and buried my face into his chest, and my hand gripped his shirt. He runs his fingers into my hair, and his hug gets tighter. "You know... I don't think we've hugged like this in a long time.." I sniffled and cried slowly into his chest, and nodded. He smirks and says "So I heard everything you said..." I blushed and pushed him off of me and said "Yea! So what!?!" He chuckles and says "You're so cute when you blush and especially when you get mad." I blushed even more and said "Its true S-soul... You're never around anymore and it breaks my heart..-" He pulls me into a passionate kiss, I was shocked. I kissed back, I closed my eyes. I felt so loved.. When he released the kiss, I opened back my eyes. Soul was smiling at me and he looked above me and I look up too. I saw Cherry blossom trees around us, and their petals were flowing and falling down everywhere even on us, because of the wind. "Hey (y/n) remember our first kiss?" I nodded and sniffled, he chuckles and wipes the remaining tears. He grabs my hand and says "Cmon were gonna pick up (c/n)" I nodded and walked with him. "(Y/n)?" I looked up and said "Yes Soul?" He blushed and said "I'm really sorry... If I wasn't their for you and (c/n) all the time. I was just too focused on being a death scythe.." I smiled and realized he was apologizing. "I forgive you." He looks at me and stops me, I smiled and said "I really do." I blushed looking away, he shows me his toothy grin that makes me go crazy. I smiled back and hold his hand in mine. While we walked, I was still exhausted because of training. "Come here." I was confused but then he positioned himself so I can get on his back. I nodded and smiled, he was so warm. He smiles at me and begins to walk, we made it to Blackstar and Tsubakis apartment. Me and Soul ringed the doorbell, we heard Tsubaki say "Hang on!" She opens the door with a bottle in her hand. I smiled and Soul smiles too, she looks at me and Soul. "Oh hi (y/n)! Hi Soul!" We entered their apartment, and i saw Blackstar playing with the baby. "Wheres my precious baby?" Blackstar grabs (c/n) and says "Oh I'm right here!" I giggled and said "Oh very funny Blackstar!" I kissed my child's cheek and said "Did you have fun with uncle Blackstar and Aunty Taubaki?" (C/n) smiles and laughs, I smiled as well. Soul stood their looking at us, I could've swore I saw a tear down his cheek..

Souls P.O.V
When I saw (y/n) and (c/n) smile together, it made me realize. I haven't seen them so happy in a long time.. since because of my work. A tear rolled down my cheek, (y/n) looks at me and says "S-soul are you okay?" I got out of my thoughts and said "O-oh yeah! Just thinking!" Blackstar grins and says "Then why are you crying!?!" I blushed and said "U-um just tired! Yeah!" I walked towards (y/n), I grabbed (c/n) into my arms. He looks at me, but then eventually smiles. I smiled back and kissed his forehead, I looked back at (y/n) she was blushing and smiling. She smiled like one of the smiles I haven't seen in forever... like the day we first went on our first day and like how we met... I smiled back at her. We later left Blackstars and Tsubakis apartment. (C/n) fell asleep in my arms, I smiled at him. It was night already, we were walking home still.
(Y/n) was looking up at the stars and said "I miss walks like these.." I looked at her, she then said "These walls are so special... Cause we're walking like a family.. As one." She smiles and looks at me and (c/n), i smiled back and said "I do too." I thought about it then I said "How bout it! I take the week off and spend the week all with you and (c/n)! Just us! As one." She smiles and nods saying "I'd love that." I grinned at her.

(Y/n) P.O.V
I lay (C/n) in his crib, I went to bed too. I lay down, once I lay down I felt arms go around me. I smiled and turned around in Souls direction, he smiles and kisses me passionately. I kissed back and stopped it, "Soul.. I love you." He smiles and says "I love you too."
I smiled and said "Goodnight." He smiles and says "Goodnight love" I fell into a deep slumber.

*Time-skip to the morning!*
I woke up in the morning, I turn to see Soul still laying in bed. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I went to take a shower, after I got out I went to check on (c/n). But Soul already beat me to him, he was their feeding (c/n) milk in a bottle. "Good Morning (y/n)!" I smiled and said "Good morning my two lovers!" I kissed their cheeks, I went downstairs to make breakfast. After breakfast we got ready for the day, Soul surprised me when he said 'we were going on a picnic'. I put a (f/c) sundress on, some sandals, a tan sun hat on. I dressed (c/n) up, When Soul was ready I grabbed the basket full of stuff we were going to need. We arrived in the park, it was a clear sunny day in spring. We were in a clear grassy place, with a river near by. The sight was beautiful, I lay the blanket down on the grass. I relaxed next to Soul. While (c/n) was getting feed by Soul, the breeze came and it felt so relaxing. Soul called my name and I said "Yes?" He starts blushing furiously and says "W-well
(Y/n) we've t-together for a long time... and we've been through good and bad together. We've added (c/n) into our lives, I'm really glad he's in our life now. We're together as one, as a family. And I love you so much you just don't know how much... so (y/n) .." He gets on one knee and pulls out a black small box, I gasped my eyes started getting watery. "(Y-y/n) will you m-marry me?" He was blushing deeply, (c/n) was smiling at me and Soul. I hugged Soul making fall back and I said "Yes!!"
"Thanks goodness! I thought you were gonna say no!" I chuckled and said "I would never say 'no' to you if you proposed to me. And you did!" He smiles and hugs me and kisses me. He pulls back and says "I'm always here for you (y/n).." I smiled and said "I am too Soul."

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