.Coolest Girl.

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A/n: Play the song a thousand years by Christina Perri, while you read this. ((:

(Y/n) P.O.V
As I reached where the altar was, I smiled at Soul. I could see him blushing still, I giggled at him. He smiles warmly at me, it's been a half an hour of the wedding ceremony going on. "Now may you say each other's vows." I nodded and said "I (y/n) will take you to be my husband. I promise to be their for you for better or for worst. I will be their every moment you walk, in your arms, in your mind, next to you. I love you with all my heart, and I hope (c/n) isn't watching right now as I cry cause he smiles and sometimes cries to when he sees me cry." everyone laughed and I smiled at Soul and said "I've loved for so long and I'll never let you go. You're my true best friend and lover.." I was done and put the ring on Souls finger, a few tears ran down my eyes. Soul smiled and said "I, Soul Evans. Take you to be my lovely wife, for better or for worst. (y/n) I love you so much I just can't explain, I will cherish our friendship and love today,tomorrow, and forever. With this ring, I give you my heart. I promise from this day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home." He smiles and saw one tear run down his cheek, I smiled and sniffled. He puts the ring on my finger, the priest smiles and says "Now you may kiss the bride." We both smiled, he wraps his hands around my waist and says "I love you." I smiled and said "I love you too Soul." We kissed, while everyone clapped and cheered. We released the kiss and smiled at everyone. We ran out the church, while everyone outside threw flower petals at us, we got into the limo. We were heading to the wedding party, once we arrived we took some pictures for memories of or wedding. Once the party started, I was so happy about my life. Making new friends, meeting the guy of my life, having a child, now we just got married. I was so happy, I smiled at myself and looked at my ring. I heard Blackstars voice saying "Now the moment of Souls and (y/n's) first dance of the night together after getting married!!!!" I blushed, Soul hold out his hand out for me. I giggled and said "Alright alight !!" Soul chuckles he puts one hand on my hip and the other one in my hand. My hand was on his shoulder while my other hand was in his. The song we danced to was "A Thousand Years by Christina Perri." We slowed danced together, he spins me making me feel so perfect when I'm with him. "You know Soul.. When we kissed, that was one of the best kisses I've ever experienced..." He smiles and says "Why is that?" I smiled and said "It was our real true love kiss...." He looks at me then chuckles and says "Yea it was." I smiled and said "It was better than any other kisses you gave me, it felt like one of those kisses where it tells you that we will never leave each other apart and it was so warm. Feeling like you'll be next to me forever, and romantic and sweet.. like you." He blushes and kisses me, saying "(y/n) I love you so much, back then when I met you. I thought we will never go out... but when you accepted me. I felt so happy, like I was the luckiest man in the world. I never knew that we were going to have (c/n) together, he made us closer as a family.. as one. I didn't even know we were going to get married. But now look, look where we are right now. I'm slow dancing with you at our wedding party." I smiled and kissed his cheek, and I said "I love you Soul." He spins me one more time, and the song ended. While we cut the cake together, the first piece went to (c/n) since he stuffed his face into the piece of cake. We all giggled and laughed at that, the rest of the night was magical. After the party, (c/n) was fast asleep in Tsubakis arms. "Alright guys!!! Go on to your honey moon!! As your God says so! And no problem we got (c/n) in his uncle Blackstars arms!!!" Blackstar said to us, me and Soul giggled. "Okay, thank you so much guys. Without you're help in our relationship we wouldn't be here right now. So thank you so much!" They all smiled at me, Soul finished putting our last bag into the car, we were going to Bora Bora. We waved at our friends one last time, and kissed (c/n) goodbye. Once we arrived at Bora Bora, we got to our place to stay. "You know Soul, it's so beautiful here!" He smiles and wraps his hands around my waist and says "Yeah.." We both look at the sunset, it was simply amazing and especially experiencing it with Soul. It got dark, I was in bed already reading a book. I smiled at the ceiling thinking, "Soul, we should get going to sleep since we're going to go around this place tomorrow the whole day." He chuckles and says "relax... We're suppose to be here to relax together and spend some time alone together in a peaceful quiet place." I chuckled and said "You're right Soul." I lay down and Soul lays down and wraps his hands around me and says "You know (y/n), when we come back home we can have surprise for (c/n) and everyone else." I blushed hard and said "L-like what!?" He chuckles and kisses my neck and says "A new baby brother or sister for (c/n)"
I blushed even more and sighed. "F-fine one more and that's it got it!?!!!" He grins showing his toothy grin, I smiled and said "I hope I regret soon.." He laughs and says "Aww cmon I know you want another one!" I smiled and said "Yeah yeah shut up before I change my mind!" He laughs and starts kissing passionately, I smiled into the kiss and said "I love you Soul." He smiles and says "I love you too (y/n). You know you're the 'Coolest Girl' I ever met." I smiled and said "I better be."


Coolest girl (Soul x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now