.New Life.

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(A/n): it may have some swearing in it!!

(Y/n) P.O.V
It's been three months since I started my new life, with my different type of body. I woke up and saw Soul out of bed, I guess he went to practice with Maka. He wants to become a Death Sytche, I want that dream to come true to him. I stood up to go see (c/n), he was sleeping peacefully. I smiled and kissed his head, he was growing hair like his fathers. Eventually I thought he was growing hair like mine, but I guess it's color changed. I grabbed (c/n) and carried him to the kitchen with me, he yawns I smiled at him. I put him down in the crib that was in the kitchen. I made breakfast for me and him, I did miss Soul having breakfast with us. Soul would always come home late now usually, sure he played with (c/n) for a little while. But didn't really have time to spend more time with me and (c/n), since he was always tired when he came home. I remembered about today, so I went upstairs and changed. I also packed things in (c/n) bag, cause he was going to spend the day with his uncle "Blackstar". Me and Blackstar became best friends over the past few months before I got pregnant. I walked to Blackstar and Tsubakis apartment, once I arrived I saw Tsubaki open the door. She smiles and says "Oh hello
(Y/n) and (c/n)!" I smiled and said "Hello Tsubaki, is Blackstar here?" She nods and says "Blackstar! (C/n) and -" once he heard my child's name, he came down really fast. He smiles at me and then grins at the baby "Hiyaa buddy!" The baby smiles and giggles. Blackstar grabs (c/n) and starts bouncing him up and down. I giggled and said "Well I'll be heading off now! Bye! And I have food and other things in the bag! Thank you so much guys!" They both smiled and waved at me, I walked towards school. It was spring and Cherry blossoms trees were starting to grow. I walked by the park where me and Soul had our first kiss. I smiled at the memory, I arrived at school. I saw Austin and Maka talking, maybe Soul was with her and we were gonna train with them! I hurried up the steps, I found Soul nowhere to be found. I frowned and Austin patted my back and said "Hey (y/n)! Where's my little nephew!?" I smiled and said "With Blackstar and Tsubaki at ther house. Wheres Soul?" Maka smiled and said "He's talking with Kid and Lord Death." I frowned again and said "O-oh.." They both looked at each other and smiled nervously, "A-anyways, Austin wanna get started on our training?" He nods, and says "Maka will be observing us!" I nodded and smiled, ever since Maka and Austin started dating I felt really happy for the both of them. Their first date was last week, I remembered me and Souls first date.

*Time-Skip! To two hours later!!*

Austins P.O.V
I can tell she was exhausted, she kept stopping. "Oi (y/n)! Cmon we still have to practice witch hunter!" She nods and breathes in, we both yelled out "SOUL RESNOSANCE!!! WITCH HUNTER!!" We were doing great until (y/n) collapsed on the ground. Her eyes were bleeding.. like last time. Dr.Stein said that she would be fine if they bleed again. Because of her new body type and abilities now, she'll have to get used to it. I still worry about her, what if she gets to tired or exhausted that she dies on me... Not just me.. Everyone she loves. I sighed and said "Cmon (y/n) I know you can do this!! Do it for (C/n) and do it for S-!" She cuts me off and says "Baka..." She said it so soft I couldn't hear her. I walked towards her and said "What?" She grips her hands tighter and says "BAKA!!"

(Y/n) P.O.V
"BAKA!!" I screamed at him louder.
"How can I do it for him if he's not even their for me anymore!! I know he has a lot of work to do, so he can became a death Sytche! But it gets so irritating! I miss him so much he doesn't even have time for me! Not even his own child! He gets home and sees (c/n) for like 10 mins and goes to bed, without even saying goodnight to me or kissing me goodnight! I miss the old days when he used to tuck in (c/n)... Those days made my life feel happy.." I fell to the ground and felt warm tears coming down my cheeks slowly. I held my hands to my face while I cried. Austin and Maka were stunned what I just had said, I wasn't even done.. "My life has changed! It's a new life for me! It's not fucking fair..! It's like I never should've never had (c/n) into me and Souls life.. Maybe if me and Soul never went out and dated, we would've never had (c/n) and I wouldn't be like this! Maybe if I had never met Soul..." I stopped talking and remembered how me and Soul first met, how we first talked, first date, first kiss, first everything. He made me have every firsts. I look up to see Austin looking down and biting his lip whenever he did that it meant he was trying not to cry, he was clutching his hands and I saw Maka covering her mouth in shock and crying. Tears ran down faster and more and more came out. Then I said "If me and him never met... This would've never happened! None of it.. I'm so stupid! Why did I let this happen to me!?! I rather wish I was dead now... Not to live in this mess.. Look at me!! I'm a monster! My eyes had changed because of my new blood type! The type of blood that gets you insane! I am insane! Even with it or without im a monster either way.. I almost made (c/n) die in me.. I hate myself! I wish all of this never happened to me!!!" I hit the ground with my fists, it made a crack. "I-I h-" I heard footsteps coming towards me from behind, i turned around slowly. His white hair flowing in the wind, his red eyes not showing from him looking down. I gasped and then he said "DAMARE!" (Shut up) I stood up and looked at him. He was getting closer and closer, he looked so angry...






A/n: Hiyaa!! 💕 Sorry if this chapter was to touchy. :((
I hope you like it! And I'll update very soon!

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