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(Y/n) P.O.V
As I woke up I see the sun shining on me. I felt arms around my waist, I turn around to see Soul sleeping peacefully. I smiled and stood up, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I thought about the action me and Soul had two weeks ago. As I got out of the shower, I went to go make breakfast for me and Soul, I heard footsteps coming down. Soul yawned and wrapped his hands around me. I giggled and said "Good morning Sweetie." He smiles and says "Good morning Princess." he kisses my cheek and goes to kitchen table to sit down. As I served him his breakfast, I sat down with him. After we ate, Soul went to go wash the dishes. As soon as I stood up I felt queasy.. I ran to the bathroom upstairs and threw up. Soul walked behind me and rubbed my back, while saying "Are you okay!?!!" I smiled and said "Yes I'm fine, maybe I just got sick from the food I made!" Soul looks at me and says "The food was great for me, maybe you're just sick." I nodded no and said "I'm fine Soul." I got up and packed my bag, me and Soul walked out my apartment. We were going to school together. I looked at jobs/missions, I found one where you have to go in the deep woods and defeat a kishin. Me and Austin went to the mission together, Soul got worried about me since I was kinda sick and going to a mission at the same time.
As me and Austin arrived at the woods, I heard a growl behind us. I looked at Austin and he nodded, he transformed into his weapon form. I got ready for the Kishin that was about to attack us. And like I expected the kishin was behind us and jumped out. I dodged it and ran behind it slashing its back, it screeched. I did a couple of attacks but it was no use, it was hard as a rock!!
I got hit by one of its claws, Austin got worried and said "(y/n)!!!! Are you okay!?!!" I got up and said "Y-yea.." I coughed up a little bit of blood. I tried once more Austin tried to stop me but I didn't listen at all. I charged at it but I felt weak like something in my stomach was aching me. I winced, I tripped and fell. All I saw and heard was the kishin running towards me and hearing it screech. I then fainted on the ground.

Austins P.O.V
I ran towards (y/n). Why did she fainted all of the sudden like that!?!! I ran towards her and picked her up before the kishin got closer to us. While I picked her up it was too late, the kishin was right infront of us drooling and smiling. But then I saw a blue haired figure infront of me, he yelled "Go!!! I got this!!" I nodded and ran quickly as possible.

*Time skip!! To the D.M.W.A*

Souls P.O.V
As I walked to the next class late with Maka, I heard someone saying "HELP!!" I recognized the voice.. I turned around to see Austin holding an unconscious (y/n)! I ran towards them, I could see her head was bleeding. Austin was sweating and breathing heavily, I grabbed her and ran towards Dr.Steins office. As I arrived their, Dr.Stein said "Well hello Soul-" I ignored him and lay (y/n) on the bed and said "Help her!! Please!! Hurry!!" He nods and walks me out the room to help her.

Dr.Steins P.O.V
As I operated on (y/n) she was perfectly fine, just a few bruises and scratches. But something caught my attention on her body... I noticed on the x-Ray that their was another living thing inside of her... Was it a virus or maybe even a child..

(Y/n) P.O.V
As I woke up in a bed, I realized it wasn't my bed. I sat up slowly feeling a little pain in my head, I touched my forehead I winced at the pain. I got up to walk around, but once I took one step I felt something coming up. I ran to the trash can and threw up. Dr.Stein came in and said "Well how was your nap (y/n)?" I wiped my mouth, and said "What am I doing here?!" He helps me back in bed, he sits in his rolling chair and pops a cigarette in his mouth.
He smirks and says "Well what I heard, you fainted on your mission. Austin ran here and your boyfriend saw you injured, then brought you to me." I remembered what I saw before I fainted. I sighed and said "Is Austin alright? And where's Soul?" He breathed out the smoke out of his mouth. He says "Austin is in class with Maka and the others. And Soul well who knows, all days hes been worrying about you. What a good boyfriend you got their." I blushed and smiled. He looks at me serious and says "Now,
(Y/n) have you been feeling weird any lately? , any weird sickness?" I nodded and said "Well I've been throwing up and feeling dizzy, it's been scaring me lately." Dr.Stein smiled widely and said "(Y/n) this might get personal, but have you had any sexual activities with someone?" I blushed blood red and remembered about me and Soul that night. When he took my innocence away from me.. I gulped and nodded saying "Y-yes... Why?.." Stein chuckled and said "Well (y/n), congrats to you and Soul! Yall are having a baby!" My whole world stopped, I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. Speaking of Soul he came into the room, he ran towards me an said "(y/n) you're alright!!!" He kissed my cheek and then hugged me tighter. Stein said "I'll leave you two alone.." He walks out and Soul says "That was weird.. Why did he wanted us to leave us alone?" I gulped and blushed really hard. Soul smirks and says "(y/n) you're blushing, you have something to tell me don't you." I blushed even more and gripped the bed sheets even more. Then I said "I-I'm p-" Soul waited for the answer. I looked down and said "Soul I'm p-pregnant!!!"
Everything felt like it froze even Soul, since his face was frozen. He choked on air and I pat his back by helping him breathe. I nervously said "Surprise."

Coolest girl (Soul x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt