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Imogen Johns was a crazy stubborn girl who was smart and strong-headed. She was taught by the best; her adoptive parents. They were basically her real parents, they took her in and did things her real parents weren't brave enough to do.

Imogen learned from them. She learned that blood doesn't make up a family. She promised herself she'd never forget it.

At times when her parents frustrated her she was tempted to say you're not my real parents. Stopping herself, she remembered what her parents taught her.

Her parents were always loving no matter what so it broke Imogen's heart when her mother left her and her father when she was 5 without so much as a note saying goodbye.

After her mom left her dad became distant. He loved Imogen no matter what except he didn't always show it.

Imogen knew she needed to be tough, to be strong, to not let a little hiccup in her life get her down. She was only five feet tall but that didn't stop her from being as strong as a bull.


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