"Only Alice and hopefully not long." I said giving Bella a look, a 'that's final' look. 

"Nope. She is welcome to stay as long as she likes," she said, grabbing her mug, and moving around us to the kitchen.

"Well, are the rest coming back?" Jake asked as we followed her to the kitchen. We'll have to let the pack know if the others are as well.

"No. Not that I know of," she scoffed, "Anything else?" she asked, and I sighed. Good, if the others were coming back I was gonna need a quick nap and a lot of coffee so I could fight them.

"That's it," I said on our behalf, that's all we needed to know.

"Well, if that's all then y'all better go run back to Sam" she said shaking her head, disdain in her voice.

"Don't be like that! All we ever try to do is protect you Bella, no matter how many times you have gone off and done something stupid. I was running myself ragged trying to help you through those months, Jake was doing everything in his power to make you happy, stop being such a bitch!" I yelled out actually cursing, which I don't really like doing.

"I wasn't asking you to do any of that! Either of you! And stop pretending you still care about me Eva! You just are worried if you're not around while Jake and I are together, he'll realize he loves me! You're the bitch!" she screamed.

"I do still care about you Bella, you're my sister!" I yelled after her as she left the kitchen. I sighed looking at Jake with watery eyes.

"You are not a bitch. And you have nothing to worry about, I love you. I don't know what I ever saw in Bella, she's a leech lover," he said, making a disgusted face, and I giggled. He could always cheer me up. He went to kiss me, whispering something in Quileutes, "kwop kilawtley", which I've heard before but can't remember what it means and smiled. The phone started ringing, and I sighed pulling back. He grabbed the phone.

"Swan residence," he said, and I giggled again. Why did he answer the phone that way?

"Is Charlie there?" I heard Edward's voice through the phone, and we both froze in anger. Bella came rushing in looking at us, wondering who it is.

"He's not here right now. He's arranging a funeral," Jake said, and I heard the other phone on the line start to break before it hung up. Jake put the phone up, and I sighed. He definitely should have clarified that it wasn't Bella's funeral.

"Who was that?" Bella asked, and Jake started breathing harder.

"You two are just always in the way," he said looking at her and the phone. Bella and Edward, but mostly Bella were in the way of Jake and I, but he needs to calm down.

"Who was that?" Bella demanded, taking a step forward as Jake took one back.

"Jake, let's go outside. Bella back up." I motioned to the door and put my hand behind me, stopping her from advancing.

"Eva, step back." Jake said, and I listened pushing myself back forcing Bella to as well. As much as I wouldn't care if Bella got hurt at this point, dad would be devastated and Jake would be crushed if he hurt a human, or me.

"Eva, who was that?!" Bella screamed, digging her fingers into my skin. Her hard grasp isn't enough to hurt me, she doesn't have the strength of an old vampire or wolf.

"Bella! Bella, it's Edward. He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why I came here. He thinks you're dead." Alice said, glancing at me after she came into the kitchen.

"Good, let him think we're dead. Maybe then there will be nothing connecting us together, and we can all move on." I said, folding my arms.

"Why would you... why didn't either of you let me speak to him?!" Bella screamed, shoving me away and advancing towards Jake, slapping him across the face.

"He didn't ask for you, and he couldn't care less about my imprint." Jake said back in almost a growl, shaking slightly.

"I don't care!" Bella screamed in his face. Alice had to drag her away and hold her in place.

"Bella. Bella! He's going to the Voltari. He wants to die, too." Bella started panicking, and my eyes widened. If Edward goes to the Voltari they are gonna find out about me!

"Eva!" Bella screamed, snapping me out of my panic.

"What?" I asked, not moving.

"This is all your fault so you have to make it right!" Bella shouted at me.

Alice grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the house with one of her bags over her shoulder. Alice held one of mine, packed as well. When did she pack that?

"What?!" Both Jake and I yelled shocked.

"No! No! Are you crazy?! Bella we can't go to Italy! The Voltari will find out about me!" I screamed, grabbing her arm.

"Yes, I can! And what do you mean they'll find out about you? Don't you want to save Edward?" Bella asked, stopping with us.

"Bella, I'll always want to protect you no matter how mean you are to me, but we can't go to the Voltari! They kill angels! And they kill humans who know about vampires!" I screamed out, fear running through me as I saw the slaughters and heard the screams of my kind. I was also picturing Bella being killed and it pained me.

~Will she go to protect Bella or will she stay and protect herself? Only one way to find out, reading the next chapter! Happy reading!~

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