14 | she's the reason

Start from the beginning

Wheein scoots back just a tiny bit, feeling Hyejin's body pressed against hers with her neck seemingly bumping the sleeping girl's nose. Wheein bites at her lip nervously, chest loosening from an incredibly long exhale. There was something about the position she was laying that made her long for some comfort again, but she couldn't at all get rid of the fact that Ahn Hyejin was literally right behind her, so it wasn't at all easy to make herself relax.

So she tries to listen to Hyejin's soft breathing to make herself calm down, the warmth coming from the sleeping girl washing over her like a comfortable blanket. Surprisingly, it was working, and a smile makes its way onto the small girl's face. There was no doubt in a long time she had ever felt this comfortable, the safety and security of Hyejin's arms making her feel like she's in a haven, and her heart easing into a state of peace.

However the thought of school makes Wheein sigh. She glances back down at Hyejin's hand on her stomach, seeing that it hadn't moved at all. Holding in a breath, Wheein slowly peels herself away from Hyejin's grasp, leisurely untangling her legs under the sheets. The feeling of Hyejin's touch leaving her makes her chest tighten, but as she is finally able to stand up, her eyes could only cast back down to the sleeping girl.

Strands of semi-wavy dark hair covered Hyejin's face, making the view slightly more amusing to Wheein. Wheein adjusts her sweater back down to cover her stomach before leaning down to Hyejin's level and pulling back some strands of hair away from the sleeping girl's face. Wheein couldn't help but admire the girl's bare face𑁋half buried in the pillow yet in a placid nature that makes the smaller girl's cheeks heat up. She was generally surprised at how much of a heavy sleeper Hyejin could be.

Her eyes trail over the girl's stance for a moment𑁋admiring the girl's sleeping face then to her exposed arms. She wasn't trying to control the blush in her cheeks at that point.

For a moment, Wheein's eyes take a glimpse at the girl's soft-looking lips, and the smile fades off her face. She could feel her chest tighten more inside of her, heart slowly coming to a stop like a sign of defeat. As she manages to get herself to look away, she kneels herself down once more and drapes the sheets over the sleeping girl's body before stepping away to quietly head out of the room.

Everybody has feelings, Wheein thinks. But why is it just so hard for her to accept them? The answer was this: she's scared𑁋she's scared of the fact she may not be enough for somebody, enough for her grandmother and Hyoyeon, and perhaps even enough for Hyejin. There was a kick in her stomach telling her that one day, Hyejin would leave her, thinking that she won't be enough anymore and dusting their friendship away. Wheein didn't know why she expected for a day like that to happen, because frankly if it were to occur, she'd only blame herself.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Wheein mindlessly stirs the bowl of cereal in front of her, the metal spoon in her hands occasionally hitting against the sides of the bowl and making a loud ring echo across the entire room. As she eats a few scoops of her breakfast, her eyes continue to stare at the untouched, equally similar bowl of cereal in front of her. It was out of habit to prepare breakfast for someone than just herself as she had her grandmother to take care of𑁋who she already made a bowl of oatmeal for𑁋yet she forgot to think about how cereal would become soggy after some time.

She looks down at her side, seeing that she was almost finished with her cereal. She frowns slightly, letting go of the spoon in her hands and sitting back in her seat with her legs crossed together on top. Wheein gazes out the semi-closed windows, the morning becoming brighter by each passing moment. Gosh, she would just do anything to not go to school today; she'd rather stay home and draw, but the thing is, what about Hyejin?

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