Kasanoda's eyes hardened into a glare as he stared at Tamaki. "So I guess you're really not their father are you?"

Tamaki stood still with his whole body ultimately pale. He was like a balloon that has just popped due to him soaring around the music room.

"Wah! Tama-Chan! I'll catch you!" Honey declared as he raced after the descending boy.

The deflated blond haired male laid in Honey's arms limply. "He's right you know. Strictly speaking, I'm not Haruhi's or Y/n's real father."

"Uh, strictly speaking or otherwise." The twins said in a deadpanned tone and sweat dropped, making Tamaki's mind fall into a dark abyss and pass out.

The hosts stood over Tamaki as he began to regain consciousness--only being blacked out for five minutes.

"Hey look. He's waking up." Kaoru pointed out as Tamaki's violet eyes became visible.

"I need to sort this out." The president of the Host Club muttered, remaining on the floor with widened eyes.

"Sort what out exactly?" Kaoru asked.

"If supposing I'm not my Haruhi and Y/n's daddy after all..."

"We don't have to suppose it, boss." Hikaru ensured.

"Then how can it be that I find Haruhi so utterly adorable...?" Tamaki questioned, ignoring Hikaru's comment in the process as everyone's eyes widened.

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Kaoru quizzed.

"When she's with another man, why is it that I become so insanely jealous?" The blond haired male inquired. "I'm not her father. I'm not Y/n's father either. I have no right to be so protective. No right whatsoever."

"So then, uh, tell me what exactly is with the whole 'making Haruhi your wife one day' thing?" Hikaru expressed bluntly.

Tamaki looked up at Hikaru with a troubled expression. "I know! Daddy's don't typically want to marry their little girls when they're all grown up do they?"

"What about keeping her from kissing anyone?" Kaoru interrogated.

"I only wanted to preserve those precious lips."

Kaoru's eyebrow twitched at Tamaki's response. "Preserve? Really? That's a very interesting choice of words, sir. You think everything is absolutely perfect, just the way it is now. And having this family setting will keep it all from changing, right?"

Hikaru looked at his twin brother with slightly widened eyes due to his unexpected turn of phrase. "Hey Kaoru...?"

Tamaki blinked as he glanced up at the youngest Hitachiin brother. "I don't understand."

Kaoru's jaw dropped as his eyes turned to a frustrated glare. 'He's an idiot! Is he really that oblivious?'

"Actually, he's got a point." Kyoya chimed in, fixing his prescription glasses. "I mean, you're delusional, yes, any halfwit could see that but who knew that you were so...?" He trailed off.

"Tama-Chan's completely blind when it comes to himself!" Honey grinned brightly.

"Kaoru, just what did you mean by things changing?" Hikaru questioned softly, referring to what his brother said previously.

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