Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"I told you, I looked everywhere," Derek's voice rung out snapping her out of her momentary distraction as she turned back to look at the two elder werewolves.

"You didn't look here," Peter mused as he pulled out a briefcase.

"What is that, a book?" Derek asked.

"No, it's a laptop," Peter scoffed as he looked back to Derek who rolled his eyes. Margo smirked looking down so that she could hide her own amusement, "what century are you living in? A few days after I got out of the coma, I transferred everything that we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones who keep records." He said as he opened the laptop and turned it on.

Scott's phone rang out and he quickly pulled out the device pressing it to his ear, "hey, mom. I can't talk right now-"

"Oh, yeah? Well, I'm so freaked out that I can barely talk, either," Melissa countered and Derek and Peter looked over to Scott to listen into the conversation although Margo didn't bother since she couldn't hear any of it anyway.

"What's wrong?"

"Something... Definitely something... I don't know what, but I think you're gonna want to see this for yourself." Scott looked over to Derek who nodded.

"Go, we'll get the information," he said and Scott nodded himself before leaving.

Peter and Margo were sat at the table whilst Derek were on the phone to Scott. She didn't know what any of the words on the laptop meant but she occasionally gave a small comment on one of the photo's that would pop up. Peter was scanning through all of the words trying to find any of value although none of them was screaming out any answers to him.

Derek walked back into the room stopping right behind Margo and she could vaguely feel the heat of his body against her back and it reminded her of why she had been looking for him earlier that day. A reminder that felt so foolish and yet the more she thought about it the more she wanted to tell him. That brought another question of did he feel the same way.

"They say he's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws..." Derek said. They were words which snapped her out of her daze as they sounded absolutely horrifying.

"That sounds sufficiently terrifying," Peter droned.

"They also say he's starting to move," Derek added on.

"...What is it with all of you coming back from the dead?" Margo asked, but before her question could be answered Peter found something.

"Okay, look-- I think I found something," he called out and the pair turned to look at the screen to see what he was on about, "looks like what we've seen from Jackson is just the Kanima's Beta shape..."

"Well, meaning what? It can turn into something bigger?" Derek asked and Peter scrolled down only for a picture to come up with a kanima that looked similar to a dragon.

"Bigger and badder," Peter said.

"He's turning into that? That has wings!" Derek snapped and Peter nodded.

"I can see that."

"Kind of looks like a dragon," Margo added on, not knowing what else to say in the situation. Peter looked at her as if to say that she wasn't helping but it was too late for that.

Derek had called Scott again in hopes of getting his attention so that they could get Jackson out of the morgue. "Scott, bring him to us," he urged.

"I'm not sure if we have time for that..."

"Look! Somebody actually made an animation of it," Peter said clicking onto the video, "maybe it's less frightening if we-" they were cut off as the kanima turned and roared at them and they all jumped none of them finding any comfort in the video. It was worse than watching any horror movie you could think of. "Nope. Not at all. We should probably meet them halfway."

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