Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Because your parents treat you like shit and they treated me like shit, so I think that you shouldn't have to go and live with them,"I explained, giving him an innocent look.

"You are the best girlfriend ever, you know that?"he gave me a small peck on the forehead.

"Yeah, a lot of guys, but at least I know that you are sincere,"I winked,"And to be able to live here, you are going to have to show my parents that you are the best boyfriend ever."

"Okay. I got this,"he shook out his arms and stretched a little.

"It's not a marathon,"I chuckled and then we both entered the living room.

We sat down where I was previously, only our thighs touching. If we seem too touchy-feely, then my parents won't approve.

"So, Addison tells us that you have a rough home life and that she feels you should live with us,"my dad said professionally, his hands clasped in his lap.

Tyler gave me a surprised look, and I just gave him a small, apologetic smile.

"Yeah, I guess that I do,"he shrugged.

"She also says that there are secretive reasons as to why this is. I believe her when she says these negative things because I've always known that there were off things about them. They always seemed so fake,"my mom nods along with him.

"There are reasons that my parents have chosen to keep secret,"Tyler nods as well.

"Well, to help our decision, I'm thinking that maybe we should know at least part of this 'secret', and Addison says that it is not her story to tell."

"You don't have to if you don't want to,"I assure Tyler, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"How much?"Tyler asked.

My dad contemplated,"Enough to where we can understand your position in your actual home."

"That isn't his home, dad. He doesn't have a home. A home is where a loving family is,"I argued.

"Fine, house. Whatever,"my dad waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Tyler seemed to think about it for a while, before he told my parents some things in minimal detail,"Last year I was sent to juvie for a crime that I didn't commit, and ever since my parents won't believe the truth. They treat me badly and pretend like they don't have a son. The only time that I am treated right is when we are in public, or we have people over. They don't care about us, they just don't want bad publicity."

My dad considered for a moment, then,"Could you tell us a little more about this crime that you didn't commit."

I leaned towards my boyfriend,"You might as well just tell them as much as you can. Otherwise, we will be here all day."

"I was attacked while coming back from a party. Admittedly, I was slightly tipsy. I only had about six beers. Anyway, I was walking home and was attacked by this guy. Then this other guy came and started to beat the crap out of the other guy. He was about to kill him, so I kept telling him to stop. Then there were police sirens and the guy ran. I went over to the knocked out guy and checked his pulse. That's how the police found us. Turns out the guy was a respected lawyer and he said that I beat him up instead of getting in trouble. They didn't believe me, nobody believed me. I mean, who would you believe? The tipsy teenager, or the respected lawyer? Why would the lawyer even beat me up anyway?"

My parents nodded,"I understand."

My mom talked next,"I think that you should stay with us until graduation,"

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