Clearing her throat for the second time, she pressed her lips together and turned her head away from him looking over to the direction they were heading in. "Well, come on then," she mused a slight strain to her voice.

They spent the whole day catching up. If they weren't catching up then they were simply enjoying each others company in the solitude.

It was hours later when she was sat in front of her laptop trying to contain her smile as she wrote the very last few words of her document. 'You only have to blink and all of a sudden a thousand stars are falling down upon your head and you're taking a shower in the cosmos and just for a minute, just one minute there is nothing other than you and the lights which surround you.' Except she wasn't thinking about the digital stars at all.

Leaning back in her chair she released a smile of pure and complete joy. The task which had brought some sick misery for the past few weeks had now been completed and had been finished just fine. In fact, she would be as bold as to say that it was some of her best work yet.

"Well, it's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder," Stiles' voice rang out from the next room. The walls were thin so that she could hear him speaking but she couldn't hear Scott. Usually, she'd just put her headphones on, but no amount of music could contain her emotions or the words which needed to be spilt onto the page although she supposed that the words had spilt enough. There was supposed to be nothing left in her but there was so much more. "Because he's a tool... Well, they don't know yet. Now, they're just counting on you for Saturday."

She didn't hear anything after that - not coming from Stiles' room anyway.

Noticing that she had a few comments on the website she quickly clicked on them all to read through them. It may be a narcissistic thing but the comments made everything better. It wasn't just ghosts reading her work but actual real-life people who have homes, lives, souls, thoughts, feelings, emotions, friends, families, with one comment they became so much more real. Sometimes they'd praise her or sometimes they'd simply comment something as if they were enacting a conversation and either way she loved it.

It was also nice to interact with people who took the time to read your work whether they enjoyed it or not and so after reading a comment she always responded. It was her rule. If the comment was something that was impossible to respond to then she'd at least leave a like just to prove that she read it and that she cared about it because she did care.

Still having so much more to say she took herself out of the website and brought up a new word document. She didn't know what to call it, but that could be something that would come later and she began writing like she was on a mission to save a life or trying to save a soul.

Twirling a strand of her hair Margo read through each of the words mouthing them as she did. No noise left her mouth but she was in the most romantic of scenes and she couldn't help but feel like she was stood in their world watching it all happen. It was a book that Derek had recommended to her. Her friend was sat in the chair opposite her listening to the metronome as she tried to practice her cello.

The sound of a couple of jocks shouting out in the hall disrupted them both and they looked over to the door annoyed. Paige took in a deep breath closing her eyes as she released it before she began to play again. Margo only dragged her eyes from the door to look back at her friend.

The moment she started back up again it became noisy with the sound of cheers. "Mal, can you go and tell them to shut up?" She asked, and Margo looked over to her with her face paling to mimic that of a ghost. Mal was what Paige called her since it was more 'fitting' for her actual name, she hated it.

Distance [Derek Hale]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt