Rat trapped/ Rat in a trap

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He crept quietly into the infirmary, he knew that Poppy was still outside. the children would need care after this attack.
Carefully he put the little cat on one of the empty beds and cast a drying spell. Even on Blacky. The wet dog stank badly.
"Good, transform yourself back into a person."
The little cat mewed heartbreakingly.
"Yes, I know, it's a lot more fun this way, especially cuddling."
The cat's pupils grew large.
"Now don't look so surprised, I noticed it very well. I promise you can hug me as much as you want afterwards, but first I want to know how you are. Above all, Poppy is sure to come and bring some students with her. surely you don't want everyone to know your secret? "
Immediately the cat turned into a human. He looked questioningly at the teacher.
"Which of my secrets are we talking about here?"
Severus laughed.
"You are impossible."
"I? I wasn't the one who thought it was a good idea to unleash Soul Eaters on a school. "
“Of course you're not wrong. But it also has its good points. Now the minister has to come here and justify himself. "
severus grinned conspiratorially at the boy and the dog. Then he got serious again.
"Was it bad?"
Harry nibbled his lower lip.
"I was able to scare away a large part, but there were just too many."
severus stroked the child's hair.
"You still did very well," he praised.
Blacky jumped on the bed and licked the boy's face.
He giggled, but Severus gave the dog a pat.
"That's disgusting, stop it."
the dog just stuck out its tongue.
"Very funny."
Before this silly argument could go on, the door opened.

"Irresponsible, what is he actually thinking? If he thinks at all. and Albus goes along with the nonsense too. I just don't understand what's going on with these men. These critters are a lot more dangerous to the kids than Black could ever be. Lie down on the free beds. "
that was the nurse who was anything but in a good mood. While she scurried to her pantry, some students quickly lay down on the beds. Including Neville and Luna.
"I should have guessed," Severus muttered.
the two students immediately looked at their teacher, who was leaning against another occupied bed.
"Harry?" It came weakly from Neville.
"Yes, this is slowly becoming an annoying habit." He grumbled.
"Hopefully not, I don't want to see my mom die again. This is the third time in total. ”That was Luna. She had spoken very softly and was also a lot paler.
Harry looked up at his teacher.
"They won't come back to the site, will they?"
“Not if the teachers can prevent it. I told you that the minister must act now. "
The boy shrugged.
"He's an adult, as long as it doesn't concern himself, he won't do anything."
The upsetting thing about this statement for the teacher was that some of the patients nodded in agreement. these children did not seem to think much of the adult species. He sighed softly.
But then Poppy came along too. When she saw him she started to moan.

“What the heck are you doing? Get down, but now, you have no business here! "
severus ’eyes narrowed, what was this person doing?
Beside him he heard a small giggle.
He just raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"She means Blacky," the child explained.
Understanding spread across the teacher's face. when some other children laughed, he almost changed color.
"You two are poison to my reputation," he muttered to Harry and the dog.
The cattle just cocked their heads cheekily, Severus could get upset about that again.
but the child beamed at him. Well, the reputation wasn't that bad either. He gently stroked Harry's hair. He messed up the white streak a bit.
"Severus, tell the mutt to get off the bed.the nurse plumed at him. That screamed for revenge, however.
The head of the serpent's house calmly turned to the woman.
"I can not do that. Blacky is Harry's confidante. He just listens to him. and right now the kid wants him with them. After all, he has just been through a Dementor attack. ”He had succeeded in making the explanation so provocatively calm that the woman almost jumped out of her skin.
when Harry then demonstratively snuggled into the animal's fur, she was out of breath. Her expression softened immediately.
“Well, if he helps you. But don't let that become a habit. "
"Promised. I'm sorry I'm back in the infirmary, ”the boy muttered.
Now Poppy completely melted it.
“Oh kid, it's not your fault. Somebody should point out his incompetence to the minister. demented at school, what a cheek. "
With that, the woman went back to work and brought hot chocolate to all the children.
Of course, Harry had to do a lot more again. it hadn't come up gently despite Severus's spell. But even that wasn't as bad as some of his previous injuries. Especially since Harry had spun in the air as a cat.

bat, grimm and the cat can fix it (Translation)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu