After getting dumped and then fired, I had felt so alone. Heartbroken, unemployed, financially insecure, and pregnant, I was at an all time low. But it was at that rough time in my life that Jaehyun never left my side. Jihoon was also incredibly involved in my life after the break-up. The two of them started buying all the expensive baby stuff for Rowoon that I couldn't afford, helping me give my son the childhood he deserved. They took incredible care of me until I slowly managed to get back on my feet, and even then, they continued to be involved in our lives. I was eternally in debt with both of them, but Jaehyun especially.

Maybe that's why I agreed to his stupid plan. Even if he had been an ass to me the last time we talked, he was still Jaehyun, one of my best friends, and after everything he had done for me, I owed it to him.

So now here I was, talking to Seonghwa in my room as he tried psyching me up for this date. "Come on, it's not so bad!" He said, his hands on his hips as he looked down at me. "Our Yunho is an incredible guy, noona. He's fun, he's sweet, he's caring... you two will have a wonderful time. Just give him a chance!" He said, his voice a few pitches higher, acting a little cute in hopes to cheer me up.

"If you think he's so great, then you date him." I joked, making Seonghwa roll his eyes. "Noona," he said, in a nagging tone.

"What? Seonghwa, I'm sure he's great, but I don't want to 'give him a chance'." I said, to which he huffed.

"Why not? A guy like Yunho would be perfect for you, noona. He's so fun and care-free, he'd complement your personality perfectly." He said, making me narrow my eyes. Was this kid calling me boring and uptight?

"But fine, if you don't believe me, you'll see for yourself. Please, at least try to enjoy yourself on this date. Yunho stressed so much trying to come up with the perfect first date." He said, making me wave my hand dismissively.

"Yeah yeah, we'll see how it goes." I said, standing up from my bed. I checked myself in the mirror.. I hadn't exactly dressed up for this date. Jeans, a shirt, and a jacket. Simple, professional. After sighing softly in realization that I was really gonna do this, I walked out of my room, Seonghwa trailing behind me.

As I stepped into the living room, all the guys seemed to be gathered there, except for two: Hongjoong and Yunho. San and Wooyoung gave me this teasing look, as if  they were gossiping schoolgirls, and stood up from where they were sitting to come talk to me. "You look great noona!" San said, but Wooyoung shrugged a little "Eh, the outfit could use some work," he said, seemingly disappointed by my outfit choice.

"Excuse me?" I asked, chuckling at the mischievous duo who for some reason, was acting as if they were the stylists in the dorms.

"Yeah! You're going on a date.. why not a dress or.. I don't know, something cuter!" Wooyoung said, crossing his arms.

"Wooyoung-ah.. when you're the stylist, or you're going on a date, you choose the outfit, alright? Right now, you're neither so just.." I said, pressing my finger to my lips, telling him to zip it. The audacity.

Wooyoung chuckled. "Alright alright, I get it. Are you ready?" He asked, and I nodded hesitantly, scratching the back of my neck. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess..." I said, clearly not excited, "where's Yunho anyway?" I asked, confused as to why he wasn't here.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering who could it be, since we weren't expecting anyone, but the mischievous duo only gestured at the door in response, telling me to go get it. I rolled my eyes at the two, but did as they said anyway, and walked over to the door in curiosity.

I opened the door, and on the other side was Jung Yunho, standing tall and handsome, with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. It was a simple, yet beautiful bouquet of lilies of the valley and leaves. I was impressed- how did he know lilies of the valley were my favorite flower?

Noona [Ateez]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon