Part 49

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 The pool was huge, with a diving board and a big, yellow slide. There were chairs with umbrellas all around the pool. The pool was filled with children and teenagers. Katherine and I found two seats and sat down. My eyes were scanning the area for Zabrina and Katie. I found them standing with a group of kids. Zabrina was moving from leg to leg slowly and secretly among the group. She rubbed her thighs and butt slightly. Her light skin was appearing red.

"Does Zabrina's legs look red?" I asked Katherine, pointing to our child.

Katherine looked up from gazing at my enormous breasts in my bikini and over at Zabrina. Katherine smiled and chuckled. "I would hope so. I spanked her in the bathroom."

"You did what? Without asking me?"

"You can spank her too without asking me," Katherine said, shrugging her shoulders. The ruffles of her bikini moving.

"That's not the point. What you spank her for and with what?"

"I spanked her with my hand and for going through my things. She won't be doing that anytime soon, and I'm in more pain than she is. I see why parents use belts."

I pushed Katherine gently and rolled my eyes. "She's a child. What did she tell you when you asked her what she was looking for?"

"I didn't care what she was looking for. I didn't ask. I spanked her while I was telling her why. Her skinny self flinging all over the place crying, and she said she wouldn't do it again. I let her go, and she put the bathing suit on. Kids need disciple in the same ratio; they need hugs. Not more, not less."

"Where did you read that, a book?" I asked. I didn't know why I was still getting surprised over Katherine's parenting style.

"Yes," Katherine said, shocking me again. "It's called How to keep your kids out of trouble by Holly Hills. You want to read it too?"

"No," I said. "How did you know we were here?" I asked. My hand coming up to block the powerful sun's rays.

"Zabrina called after class asked me to bring some bathing suits and towels plus you know Waffle. I can track her location." Katherine said, laying back against the comfy pool chair.

I looked at Zabrina, who was now getting into the pool with Katie or trying not to anyway. Katie was tugging on her hand, and Zabrina was leaning her weight backward, resisting.

"Stop, Katie. Stop." She cried tears pouring down her eyes. Katherine and I were getting out of our seats when a boy came and pushed them both into the water. Katherine and I got up and ran to the other side of the pool.

"Help! Help!" Zabrina cried, flapping her arms around. Her head was bobbing up and down. I was about to jump in the pool when Katie came up from the water behind Zabrina and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Calm down. I got you." Katie said, swimming backward. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, so this is what it felt like to be a parent—always holding your breath.

Katherine went to the edge of the pool and picked Zabrina up. I helped Katie out of the pool, and we went back to our seats. "Is she okay?" The woman sitting beside us asked.

"Yes. She's okay." I answered, checking Zabrina for anything. Zabrina was crying and weeping. I was sure she was more embarrassed than scared.

"Honey, why didn't you tell us you couldn't swim?" I asked, gently laying my hand on her knee. Katherine wrapped a towel around her body.

"I didn't know you couldn't swim, Zabrina. I wouldn't have brought you to the deep end. I'm sorry." Katie said tears were coming from her eyes too.

"It's not your fault Katie. You didn't know." I said, rubbing her gently on the back.

"I didn't want you to think I was lame or a baby. I'm twelve, and I don't know how to swim."

"What's lame is your behind wanting to come to the pool knowing you can't swim and even getting close enough to the deep end for someone to push you. It's a pool you're going to get pushed. What you should have done is asked Katie to teach you. It takes five minutes to learn less than that if you're not as stupid as your acting." Katherine's words were harsh, but I know she was only saying them because she was worried and scared. "Now, go bring your little behind to the three feet so that Karie can teach you." 

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