Chapter Twenty-Six

Começar do início

It appreciated it.

When the bus did appear, the bus driver didn't pay Virgil any mind.

"Over here," Patton dragged the creature, pushing it in the seat so it'd be by the window, taking his bag off and sitting down, setting his bag between his legs.

Virgil did the same, feeling a bit cramped, its legs having the stick to its sides.

Patton, however, was still full of excitement.

"We can watch TV, play games, talk in my bedroom- OH! I can show you my stuffie collection! I have so many stuff toys! And books! I don't read too often, but I have a small book collection with my favorite books. And we could-"

"The fuck is that doing here?" a teenaged male voice asked. The two looked up, a teenage boy giving Virgil a look of disbelief and disgust.

He took the seat behind them, another boy joining, seemingly his friend, "We got creatures going to our school, and now we got them on the bus?"

The friend gave him a look, "Just leave them alone, why waste your time with them?"

"Shut it, Connor," the other hissed, "I know your dad married a creature, but you don't have to pretend to like them around me."

Connor looked down.

The kid looked back, "Fucking freak, you gonna attack me now?" he challenged, "All you monster know how to do, your mind is only half human. You aren't always in control."

Virgil glared, but kept quiet, looking forward to try and ignore him.

"Gabe," Patton huffed, "Leave us alone. We aren't doing anything to mess with you."

"Except existing," Gabe laughed, Connor giving him a glare, but quickly looked away when he looked over at him.

"Connor, still have that fork? I'm bored, and wanna have some fun." Gabe held his hand out, not waiting for the other to answer.

Connor looked torn between doing what he says or smacking his hand away.

A girl stopped by their seat. She had dark skin, her eyes bright blue with brown hair that had a blue streak in it. She gave them a look, "Leave them alone Gabe, or I'll tell your sister."

Gabe gave her a look of pure hatred, "Fucking Jen, don't you ever leave me alone?"

"Nope," she pushed Connor, "Scoot, sitting with y'all."

Connor silently moved, pushing Gabe in the process. Jen sat down, giving the two a smile, "I'm Jenna, but you can call me Jen. This is Connor," the boy gave a wave, "And this prick is Gabe."

Gabe glared, but said nothing.

Patton returned her smile, "I'm Patton, this is Virgil."

Virgil closed all eyes but the middle set, so it wouldn't freak her out, "Hi."

"Hi," she said, "Don't give Gabe any mind, he isn't usually like this," she sighed, "He has serious anger issues, and takes it out on the first person he sees. He's also-"

"Shut it." Gabe growled, flipping them off, but returned to staring out the window.

Jen rolled her eye.

"It's alright," Virgil muttered, but it was loud enough where the others could hear, "It's nothing new."

Jen frowned, "Sorry you go through that," she reached over and smacked Gabe on the head, "He should apologize."

"Ow!" Gabe rubbed his head, "Fuck off!"

Connor let out a short, quiet laughter. Gabe glared at him, "Shut it."

Virgil smirked, "Apology, please."

Gabe glared at it, but groaned, "Fine! I'm sorry for being a dick."

"Thanks," Virgil said.

Patton turned to Jen, "Why is he so mad?"

Jen snorted, "He got detention, and he made Connor upset."

"I said I was sorry!" Gabe growled, his gaze glancing over to Connor. For a split second, his expression changed from anger to regret and sorrow, but it immediately changed back.

Connor blew at his black hair. He had pale skin, with grey eyes. He had some freckles on his cheeks.

Gabe groaned again, crossing his arms as he pouted, staring out of the window. He had dirty blonde hair, and tanned skin. His left eye was green, while the right was a brown.

Jen rested her arms in the seat, "You gonna ride the bus now?"

"No," Virgil shook it head, "Just for today. I'm going over to his house."

"We're gonna have a lot of fun!" Patton cheered.

Connor looked up, smiling softly at the two, "I hope you two have fun. I was gonna go to Gabe's, but.."

Gabe grit his teeth, "You can still come over, you know."

"Not if you're in a mood."

"Fine!" Gabe suddenly pulled Connor in a hug, kissing his forehead, "I'm sorry I hit you! You were the one who stood in the way when I was about to beat that Jared prick."

Connor smiled, hugging him back, "Violence isn't the answer, you don't have to defend me."


Gans scoffed, "Yet you get to break a kid's nose for calling me a faggot?"

"That's different."

"How the fuck is that different?"

Jen rolled her eyes, "I swear, those two just don't work out. We got asshole and nice boy dating."

"They seem to be making it work," Patton shrugged.

Virgil sighed, turning back, shuffling. It was uncomfortable. It was in unfamiliar territory with unfamiliar people.

Patton noticed, and took its hand. He rested his head on its shoulder, "I'm here, it's alright."

Virgil felt itself relax. It wrapped two spider legs around him, pulling him closer.

Jen scowled, "Why must I be the only one without someone to cuddle."

Connor looked over at her, "C'mere." he said, opening his arms so she could join.

Jen happily joined. Gabe groaned.

Virgil's excitement and nervousness returned.

Love For A Spider | Sanders Sides | MoxietyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora