On Tour

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I had seen them and had made up my mind. To prove to her that I can get every woman I want. There had to be a weak spot in her. but somehow she liked it too, precisely because Quinn hadn't thrown himself on my neck straight away. I didn't have an easy game with her. Rob got me out of my thoughts "Chester are coming, we have to go." I nodded and thought that it was strange "Why did I think such thoughts as I get a woman into bed? I didn't care." We were on the road for a few weeks. Germany, England, Holland and France and there was already one or the other opportunity for sex and a bit of fun.

However, I did not understand because this woman managed to ignore me. I was young and I was successful. one evening when I was gone for a drink with the boys I had seen a girl who she found was not averse to spending the night with me. "Bye guys, I'll be gone then"I said," This should come to an end, Chester this life. Fall in love and meet the right woman. It's not life, "said Mike
" Oh but . I know who you're talking about Quinn but hey her pretty face and her great eyes can't do that either. No question she's hot but I just want to play "..

I enjoyed my freedom and that with women, that was just sex, nothing more. fun with no commitments, no relationships and no girlfriend. I didn't want that and it would have been just casual. Even if I wanted Quinn. I want to let her feel that she, too, is just a woman who can't resist me. always thought of the way she looked at me. That's what kept me from seducing her until now.


we all had the feeling that there would be a sequel. With Chester and Quinn. my friend knew Quinn and once told me how much Quinn hated Chester. Because he was a womanizer and nothing failed to lay one down. That's what Mike always said. we looked after Chester and Brad said, "A damn good singer and musician, but he sees every woman as fun. I hate that about him. He should learn the hard way what it means to love and not get what it is want . ".. Oh yeah Brad was pissed what happened back then." Quinn! It annoys him that he hasn't had her yet and she could turn him around. I agree with you, he has to learn, but I'm sorry for the woman she will have to go through hell until he changes if he can. "said Rob" Quinn has enough strength to defy him, but what would happen if she fell in love thenthey go through hell.either he notices or she will be dead happy. I know if that was a good idea to declare war on him. "said Mike.

"Kathy said and that's okay between usQuinn said that if he wasn't such an asshole, that he is that bad and that he still has a lot to offer. you understand "I said with a big grin" You're seriously we will often see how the two fight each other and that ends in bed. "Dave pointed out, shaking his head"He still gets it and then it's just one of many on his list."

Mike thought about it and the thought occurred to him, "We have to help her! You will always be one step ahead of him." "Mike, I'm not a babysitter for a little one who doesn't know what to think of. You know what I'm not going to help you. Not after what he tried to do with Jack." Brad left and Dave looked after him. "Boy, I can understand him. and I actually have to go too, Jack is my sister but I don't want Quinn to experience the same thing. Just in case the two fall in love. What won't happen !!! Then what? ".." We'll see that then, Dave. joe tells Kathy to say Quinn. That we help her. "Joe nodded

We took the tour and I figured that Chester was only looking for girls who were like Quinn. I told Mike and he said he noticed. which shouldn't mean anything, says Mike.

It was nice to be on tour but it was great to come back home that Brad said too. We had missed our girlfriend and Chester. As soon as he got back here in LA, he went hunting for Quinn again. but with our help she was safe in the Monent because she knew what he was planning. She always rubbed under his nose that he has nothing to offer. That bothered him and he often came home alone because his hunt for Quinn was in his way ..

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