{Josie meets homecoming}

Bắt đầu từ đầu

After a few final touches and a lot more cooing over Josie, they head out to the living room. The rest of the Avengers are waiting to see Josie before her big evening. Pepper, Wanda, and Nat form a wall in front of her so they can do a dramatic reveal.

"Is she ready?", Tony asks.

"Oh, no, we just came out here to show you what she looks like in her pyjamas.", Pepper says sarcastically.

"Well, she better get ready now. She's going to be late!"

"I was being sarcastic, she's right here.", the three women step aside, revealing a very glammed-up Josie, "Ta-da!", Pepper does jazz hands.

Tony's jaw drops, "Joy... You look so... grown-up."

"That's a good thing, right?", she laughs.

"Yeah, yeah. I just- Uh- I need a glass of water, yeah, that's it.", he turns away quickly and walks into the kitchen.

'He's crying', Sam mouths.

"You okay, Tony?", Rhodey asks, stifling a laugh, as Tony comes back.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The air's just really dusty.", Tony wipes his glassy eyes, "Hay fever's playing up."

"You do not have hay fever, Mr. Stark.", Vision says.

"Snitch.", Tony mutters, "Come on, Jellybean, let's have our heart-to-heart outside, away from all these losers."

Josie rolls her eyes, "Bye guys!", she says, as she walks towards the door.

"Have a good time making-out with Peter!", Clint teases.

"He already has a date.", Josie calls behind her.

"Yeah, you!"

The two Starks head outside and close the door, so their nosy housemates can't eavesdrop. The second the door closes, Tony breaks down crying.

Josie panics for a second, this has never happened before, "You okay?"

"God, you're growing up so fast. I don't like it.", he laughs a little.

"You're getting on a bit yourself.", she jokes.

"Seriously, Jellybean, look at you. You're going to be a full-on woman soon. Then, you'll move out. I mean, you're not moving out yet, but in a few years."

"Dad, calm down. I'm fifteen, I've got a while left at home. Besides, you know you're all I've ever had too. You and this weird, dysfunctional family.", she signals to the window, through which you can see Scott trying to learn how to do the worm, whilst everyone laughs at him.

He wipes his eyes, then wraps his arm around her shoulder, and leads her down the stairs, "Aren't you going to be cold in that dress?"

She bursts out laughing, "Jesus, you are such a dad."

"So, we're all okay now?", he asks.

"Yeah, we're all Gucci. I'll stop arguing with you now.", she nods.

"We're Gucci?", he raises his eyebrows, confused.

"We're cool. It means we're cool.", she explains.

"Oh no, I'm getting old.", he mutters.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock."

They walk to the car (an Audi, obviously) and he opens the passenger door for her, "Ladies first."

"You're taking me? Where's Happy?", she asks.

"What, your dear old dad isn't cool enough to drop you off?"

"Wait! Wait! Wait!", Steve yells, as he and everyone else run down the stairs.

"What? Has somebody died?", Tony asks.

"We haven't got a picture!", Nat exclaims.

They all group around and Josie and Rhodey hands Tony the phone, "You can take the picture."

"Uh, no. She's my daughter.", he hands the phone to Scott, "Tiny Tim, you can take it."

Scott sighs, "Fine."

They all grin and pose, some pulling funny faces or holding up peace signs. After that, Tony, Pepper, and Josie take a picture, then just Josie and Tony. Finally, after much picture taking, Josie is finally freed and permitted to leave.

As they start to drive, Tony turns to her, "I'm really glad you get to have a normal homecoming."

Jinxed it.

*     *     *     *     *

(a/n) Hey guys! Remember to vote, comment, and all that jazz! Sorry this is late, I was (obviously) watching The Falcon and The Winter Soldier!! It's so good AGHHYDHFEWIEY!! Also, Sebastian Stan is so motherforking hot, I can't even. What did you guys thinK?
- Hannah(;

Coming up soon:
Present day:
What's going to happen at homecoming?
Stark Expo 2.0!
Will Tony apologize?

Next chapter title:
Josie meets hammerroids

His Joy {Peter Parker X Stark's Daughter}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ