Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy Tenth grade student

I walked through the campus with Tovah, she was uncharacteristically quiet, I nudged her playfully knocking her out of her trance. "Everything okay?" I questioned. "Yeah, just a hard night," "What was so hard about it? You and Aelita have a pillow fight?" I teased. "No, I've been having these dreams, they seem so real..." "have you told Jeremy?" I asked. "No, he can't do anything. Anyway, I need to go find Odd," she waved goodbye, I was left in the middle of the sidewalk wondering why she needed to find Odd. I went and sat next to Aelita and Yumi on a bench. "Have Odd and T seemed different lately?" I asked. "No, why?" Yumi shrugged as she flipped through a magazine, "Tovah just ditched me to go find Odd," I slouched, "maybe she's helping him with calculus," Aelita proposed, "maybe," "Maybe you need to get over her, she's over you." Yumi snickered. "What do you mean? I am so over her," I crossed my arms. "Then why do you care that they're hanging out? They're just as much his friends as you are,"

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Tenth grade student

"I'm not going to fight you." I shook my head as Herb stood in front of me, he was all worked up about it. "Well, why were you and Tovah kissing?" He asked. "We were rehearsing a skit!" I shrugged. "What skit?" "Celibacy, what will happen if you don't wait till marriage, you'll die." "So you won't mind if I ask her out?" "N-no," I shook my head, "go ahead, I mean that's up to her." I bit the inside of my lip. "Well, maybe she'll want to hang out at the beach,"

I found Tovah grabbing her wrist and pulling her behind the shed. "What?" She snapped. "I got Herb to not want to fight," "you couldn't have said that in a text?" She asked looking over her shoulder. "Good," she shrugged. "Let's go," she started to walk off, I stopped her, "he wants to ask you out," "I'll just say no," she laughed. "I think maybe you should, it will throw everyone off," she shook her head like I was crazy, thunder cracked above us. "Um, how about no!" She crossed her arms. "You want people to think I'm crazy?" She laughed. "If you hang around other boys then-" she cut me off, "if you don't want to be together just tell me, Odd. We don't have to play games like this." It began to drizzle and she pulled her hoodie on and began to walk away. I stood feeling the ran drip onto my skin, "crap," I sighed.

I laid back on my bed with my hand dramatically over my forehead, "What's wrong?" Jeremy asked swinging open my dorm door, "What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up, "I came to ask if you had gotten packed for the beach, we're leaving in the morning," he went and sat on Ulrich's bed. I sat up sighing, "Yes, I packed after dinner." "Why are you in such a foul mood? You love the beach trip," He asked, "Just a headache," I said. "Well, I'll see you in the morning, feel better." 

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Tenth grade Student

"What is wrong? Why are you being so annoying?" I asked with a pillow laid over my face, "Because!" Jeremy snapped, "You are being-" He stopped, moving to sit on the side of his bed, "Why are you always like this?" He asked, "Like what?" I asked sitting up, "Dating one of my friends!" "What?" "I saw you and Odd, I saw you two behind the shed. I'm not dumb I know what was happening!" "Nothing happened!" "You say that," "Are you going to be like this on the trip?" I asked rolling over, choosing to ignore him. "I'm going to sleep," I said as I pulled my blanket over my head. I was ready for this night to be over, sometimes I just wished Jeremy would disappear.

Jeremy Belpois Kadic Academy Tenth Grade Student 

I rolled over as the alarm clock went off, I hung my feet off the side of the bed looking to see that Tovah had left, she was pretty angry with me the night prior. I got up to get dressed and then gather my things, when I looked at the itinerary it said we were to go to breakfast and then board the bus. I walked down, the weather was frosty; not the weather for the beach. I put my hands inside my hoodie pocket and pushed open the door to the cafeteria, I walked up to Yumi as she stood in line and tapped her shoulder, "Hey," I smiled. "Leave me alone," She spat before walking away. I got my tray and went and found Ulrich and Tovah, it was peculiar, Ulrich had his arm around Tovah, was this some sort of prank? Or did they just move that fast? They were also people sitting with them most we didn't generally sit with. "Can I sit here?" I chuckled, "Um," Ulrich looked at T, then back at me, "Why would you?" He asked, "Because we're friends, slide over," I set my tray down and moved forward to pull the seat out, Tovah pushed the chair back in with her foot and gave me a "seriously?" look, "Look, I know we argued last night-" Ulrich cut me off, "Why were you talking to him?" "I wasn't he's insane," I walked away and saw Odd sitting alone, and get this, reading a book. "Odd?" "Let me finish this page, one second...okay, what?" He asked looking up, "Oh, by the way, are you going to be at chess club?" He asked. "Chess club? Do you know how to play chess?" "I'm club president," He sneered, I looked up to see Tovah and Ulrich walking over to the trash dumping their trays. Ulrich began to walk outside with his other new friends, Tovah looked over her shoulder and walked over to the table Odd and I sat at. I hadn't noticed when she was sitting but when she walked up I could see that she was dressed differently than she usually was, no knee-high socks, sweater vests, or shorts. She was wearing a cropped blouse and a mini skirt, her gray and brown usually curly hair was straightened and pinned back, she looked...even more, preppy than usual. "Look Jeremy, I don't know if you forgot our arrangement, but you don't talk to me at school. Just because we're related doesn't mean you can hang out with my friends, or in that case, me. Got it?" She asked as she tip-tapped her nails on the table. "What?" I asked, confused. "Leave him alone," Odd muttered, "what did you say? You little mutant," Tovah crossed her arms. "This is between me and my cousin," she snapped. "Ciao," she waved before walking away. I looked at Odd, uneasy and confused, "Is this for what happened last night? I know she's mad I disagree with you and her dating but-" "w-we what?" Odd hesitated, "Tovah and I could never date! I mean she's way out of my league, plus she's with Ulrich, she's been with him for a year." He laid his head on the table. "Unless she said something about me," he looked at me. "Hm," I groaned. "Do you know where Aelita is?" "Don't be silly, we haven't managed to virtualize her yet, but don't worry this time I think I've managed to get the right codes, we just need to find someone brave enough..." "What do you mean? Don't you, Yumi, Tovah, and Ulrich?" I disputed, "what? They would never even be seen with us," he looked around the now emptying cafeteria. "Come on, we should go." Odd stood up grabbing his bag, "alright," I followed nervously behind him, this had to be a dream or a trap. I walked behind him, everyone and everything else seemed normal, we got on the bus and I stared out the window, "who's your roommate?" I asked. "Geez, did you hit your head?" Odd laughed. "Herb is," he shrugged. "Not Ulrich?" "He used to be," he rested his hands in his lap, "but not anymore?" I asked. "No, he didn't like me, we used to be friends, then he got popular." He sighed. "Guess he didn't want me hanging around," he tapped his fingers on his book, Yumi flopped down in the bus seat next to ours, she had headphones on and looked as if she hadn't noticed us. "What about Yumi?" I asked. "What about her?" Odd asked. "Were you guys friends?" "No, she's a loner, big time." "Why?" "I don't know her life story," "who do you hang out with?" "You, um...the chess club," he shrugged. "I don't know what's happening," I thought, "this is gonna be a long trip..."

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