25: Picture Day

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"Nari. Can you please eat something? And please call Hoseok. It's been two days he won't stop blowing up my phone."

"No thank you."

"That's it, I'm calling reinforcements."

About an hour later I hear someone knock on the door and then the bedroom door is opening "Hey kid." Yoongi and Namjoon come in

"You are not the reinforcements I was expecting." I mumble

"Well we're the ones you got." Yoongi comes over and pulls the blanket off me "Go shower. You stink."

"I don't-"

"I'm not asking. Go."

I sigh and slide out of the bed and go across the hall to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and change into the clothes Naeun left. I go back in the room and Yoongi shoves a tangerine in my hand "Eat and show Namjoon what happened."

I sit down and peel the tangerine before offering Namjoon my arm. I think about two days ago and pop a slice of tangerine in my mouth. I watch Namjoon get this far off look in his eyes and a few minutes later he comes back and let's go of my arm.



"Hey don't be disrespectful." Yoongi scolds me

"Just fyi he feels like shit. He doesn't know what he did but he has been extremely worried about you especially since Naeun won't answer his calls or his texts."

I scoff "Bullshit he doesn't know what he did."

"He really doesn't. I promise."

"Well the bite is still there which means part of you is willing to hear him out. Nari you should at least let him know what he did."

"Please stop advocating for him and trying to make me cave and let him in here. I get it you're his pack and his emotions are affecting you and as his pack and his friends you want it to stop which means me getting over what happened and forgiving him. Well news flash I don't fucking want to."

"That's a lie and you know it." Namjoon glares at me "Are you forgetting that I was literally just in your head."

"And that want is the bond telling me I need to forgive him."

"The bond will also kill you if you don't don't least fucking talk to him Nari."

"No thank you."

"Nari stop being a stubborn brat. You already look like shit and what kind of fair is it for you to shut him out when he doesn't even know what he did?"

"Are you forgetting something Naeun? Are you forgetting that shit like that is the reason I never wanted to find my soulmate in the first place. He promised he would be honest with me and tell me if things weren't him and he broke that promise. And I had to fucking find out by overhearing a conversation with his sister!"

"And maybe you don't have the full story. You tuned them out, so you don't know how that conversation ended." Namjoon comments

"I don't think I want to know."

Everyone sighs and the Namjoon's phone dings "I'll be right back."

He leaves the apartment and Naeun squats down infront of me "This is hurting you. I don't want to see you turn into a mess and then croak. I know he hurt you, but he doesn't know how. He deserves to know that much and you should allow him the chance to explain himself to you Bean. I know you don't want to but hear him out okay? Please."

His Jewl// BTS SOULMATE AU (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now