♡ 18 ♡

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"Don't worry, you really look cute Nong."

Mew sighed a little, looking at his reflection in the mirror of their bedroom and trying to asess if this was really the right outfit. Gulf had told him in detail about the Mate Ball later, but somehow... he just couldn't quite put an expectation for it together. His internet research about what a 'Mate ball' looked like didn't help either, since every pack seemed to do it differently. There were pictures of casually dressed people on picknick blankets under a huge tree. Light stripes illuminating everything in the night... it almost looked like a fancy version of the picknick Gulf had taken Mew on.

Other pictures showed formal settings with round tables and everyone wearing suits, and then others were a mix of formal an casual. It had made Mew's head spin to think about all the details, till Gulf came to him and ensured him that everything would be fine. And his fiancé even had gotten a suit for him.

Because of the importance and the amount of guests attending tonight, Gulf had to leave after breakfast and was on his legs, coordinating everything in the townhall, that they had once passed by

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Because of the importance and the amount of guests attending tonight, Gulf had to leave after breakfast and was on his legs, coordinating everything in the townhall, that they had once passed by. Thankfully, Lay had come over right after lunch time and they were currently getting ready together, the older jumping in excitement.

"Phi... why are you this excited again?"

He could hear Lay laugh a little and then got turned around, the older one fixing the buttons of his suit because... well this was only the second time Mew had ever worn one. And the last time, Gulf's mother had basically dressed him so... his experience with suits was really limited.

"You remember Zee and Kao right? We are tripplets... and they are a little bit overprotective... like Gulf is with you."

"Hm? What do you mean with overprotective," Mew asked and tilted his head.

"You remember how he banned you out of the kitchen after you got this small cut when cutting apples?"

The younger one nodded and slowly realised what Talay meant. He himself had thought that Gulf was a little overreacting, as if something really bad had happened. There was just a single drop of blood... but afterwards Gulf would do all the cutting when they cooked and neither let him touch the pans nor take out something from the oven.

"I know you are aware of what I am talking about. It's kinda cute when your future husband does that, but I had my two stupid brothers baby me for the past 9 years, and I am sick and tired of it... They never let me go to those Mate-Balls because, what if someone tries to make an advance on me? Or if someone forcefully mates me? And well... the more I see you and Gulf together and all the love you have for each other, the more I want something like this too. Waking up next to someone, creating memories with someone... and building a future."

Mew couldn't help the smile that was  creeping on his face and then placed a hand on the older's shoulder, as if giving him his support.

"Then let's get going and find your future husband."

Lays eyes started sparkling and they gave each other a high five, checking their outfits for the night again before heading into the direction of the small village, on the next gland. They were walking slowly, taking their time and looking around, while the older one especially made sure that Mew wouldn't trip. It was halfway dark already and if there was only a single scratch on him... Gulf would surely kill him. And who wants to die being a virgin and without having had a first kiss?

The Black Wolf - GulfMewWhere stories live. Discover now