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Mew was holding onto Gulf for a long time, crying out everything he had kept in the past 16 years... until passing out in the older's arms. He was worried when the younger's body stopped moving in his arms, but felt a hand on his shoulder short after from the doctor.

"It's allright... he has kept this inside him for so many years... it was necessary for him to release his emotions..."

Gulf slowly changed the position of his arms, üicking Mew up in bridal style while continuing the talk with Tul.

"Is there anything... I can do for him?"

"You already help him more than you might know Nong Gulf... Just make yourself comfortable somewhere and hold him in your arms... that seems to be what makes feel really safe... He should wake up after some time, and if there is anything wrong, just call me. I'll see you in two days again", he smiled and gave Gulf a friendly pat on the shoulder, before collecting his things and leaving.

Gulf slowly looked down to Mew in his arms, a peaceful expression painted on his face that earned a soft smile from the older, before walking out of the room. He had finished up all of his work this morning, being asked from Tul to stand by... since he wanted to bring something up that could make Mew emotionally breaking down. It felt hard for Gulf to watch, the fragile body trembling and how he clang onto him because Mew felt like drowning in his emotions...  But Tul knew what he did. He remembered how Earth first got worse while going to therapy, before slowly getting better. And now the only times he really had troubles were during those meetings once a month.

Slowly the older entered their bedroom, pulling the covers a little away before placing Mew in the middle of the bed. He went down for a moment to get a glass of water, and after placing it on the nightstand, he got into the bed himself. It was only a matter of seconds that the younger turned around and leaned into the warmth, Gulf wrapping his arms around Mew and holding him close.

"I am so proud of you... that you try to face what happened..." He whispered softly, resting their forehead against each other and inhaling the sweet scent of him.

There were times, that he had problems holding himself back, feeling the urge to kiss Mew and wrap him in his scent. Well... it already helped that Mew only wore Gulf's clothes so it slowly started sticking to the youngers body, something he loved a lot. Gulf felt way too overprotective and posessive to begin with, and Mew not being healthy like him or the others... it always had him on edge. He was scared letting him out of his eyes, worried that he might fall or break down because of memories.

"Don't worry about me so much Phi... I'm okay as long as you are with me"; he could hear a faint whisper and looked down to the man in his arms, that had woken up. Red puffy eyes his cheeks still a little wet from all the crying.

"You can feel it" he softly asked and pulled Mew even closer to himself, not wanting to loose him out of his arms.

"Phi... I have a question", Mew slowly started and a blush had creeped up his neck, covering his cheeks and ears.  The older slowly nodded, chuckling about the embarassement the younger felt, while waiting for the question.

"In the shows I watched with Phi Lay... the people that hugged like we do... and that sleep together like we do... they kiss. Why don't we kiss...?"

Gulf's eyes widened in shock staring at Mew...

Who the hell had showed his baby kiss scenes? This damn Talay... Mew was way too young for all of this. Well he was actually 21 or 22 already but anyway... who the hell had shown his baby what a kiss was???

After the first realisation, he gulped hard and looked down at Mew... who was throwing a mix of hearty eyes and a little disappointment at him. Great. This wasn't how he had planned it at all... Once Mew would have gotten better and the treatment progressed... he wanted to tell Mew what a date is...

When two people meet up that are interested in each other or have feelings with each other... they do nice things together, eating, watching a movie, doing a picknick... to see if they can be toegther with each other... And then, only then, was he even thinking about telling him what a kiss was. Well.. . Talay had destroyed that... ugh.

"Is it because... Phi doesn't like Nong?" He asked slowly and sat up, a mix of sadness, disappointment and hurt on his face...

"Mew... that's... that's... I..."

All thought's had left Gulf's mind ... trying to come up with a good believable lie... he definitely couldn't tell Mew the truth or else he would mess up big time.

"I.. see..."

A minute passed... Gulf being still in shock about what happened when he realised... Mew wasn't next to him anymore.


He quickly jumped up on his legs, trying to find him. Running through the corridor breathless and checking all doors on the upper level, he reached the last door which was... locked.

"Mew? Are you inside there? Please... let me tlak to you. I can ex.."

"I want to be alone", a soft voice answered and sent a sharp pain in Gulfs heart.

"I didn't hesitate because of it, I was just...."

"Please leave Phi..." The second time Mew's voice much weeker... and just  amoment later he knew why.

Waves of pain, hurt, sadness and disappointment shot through his body, emotions that weren't his own... emotions that belonged to Mew. He oculd feel his heart cleanching and hurting... Tears starting to form in Gulf's eyes by the amount of ain he had caused Mew... and that all... because he was scared.

'I am scared that I will loose myself and will want more if I kiss you... I want you to have recovered first... so that you can really decide if you like me, or if you just feel greatful towards me....'

He couldn't say those words...

Defeatedly, he walked away from the door and slowly downstairs, sitting down on the kitchen island while looking at his hands.

"G-Gulf?" Mild and Ohm looked at their friend worriedly, who was looking as if his soul had left his body... Mew and Gulf had been so happy this morning when they had breakfast together... so what had happened?

"He... he hates me... I... i made him cry", he brought out breathily and could soon feel the other two hugging him tightly.

"Calm down first and then we talk together...  figure out what happened and how to solve it, okay?" Ohm asked softly, still hugging Gulf.

The three friends stayed like this for a while until Gulf's tears had dried down and they moved over to the couch.

"So what exactly happened..." Ohm slowly started and crossed his arms while looking at Gulf, who was sitting in the middle of his friends. The younger's expression looked torubled, pain definitely all over him.

"He woke up in my arms... and we were holding each other close. And than he told me that he watched a show with Talay and the people that hugged and cuddled all the time in there... they kissed. So he asked me why we don't kiss... and ... asked after me being silent ifI didn't like him... I tried to explain that that's not the case but... he was gone already. And locked himself in... not wanting to talk with me", Gulf sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

"Shit Gulf... you are so stupid", Mild shook his head before getting a sad stare from his friend.

"Let me go... talk to him." Ohm stated, standing up and leaving the room.

The Black Wolf - GulfMewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora