How Protective They Are

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My first suggestion, let's go😋


She can be really strict when it comes to you and you obey her "orders" most of the time so she rarely has to be protective of you.

But, if she can sense that you are in danger she will not hesitate to be by your side.

If you injured yourself you can expect being scolded while she tends to your wounds.

But if someone for example harras you she will glare them down and reload her weapon in front of them until they leave you alone.


They trust the allfather to keep you safe and they train you everyday so you can take care of yourself.

They trust you to know what to do in scary situations and you do a really good job, bloodhound praise you afterwards.


Because of her past she is very protective of you.

The voices in her head warns her most of the times and she will always come to the rescue.

Like she could be competing in the games and:

'y/n will fall of a tree and break their arm, hurry!'

Wraith: I have to leave! *opens portal and jumps in*

Her team: not again


He is a really funny and relaxed parent but protecting people is the main thing he does.

If he thinks that you are in danger he will pick you up and leave, he gets really silent when he does this and it often makes you wonder if you did something wrong but after a while Gibraltar will turn back to his old self and hug you tight.


Having a mrvn for a parent can be interesting😅

He sometimes has trouble figuring out what you need and feels, that's why it is always you that approach him if you are worried.

Y/n: Um path?

Pathfinder: what is it tiny friend?🙂

Y/n: that man over there is staring at me and it's scary!

Pathfinder: 😡 *proceeds to put on boxing gloves*

OH boy....


Mirage is really careful around you because he doesn't want to lose you so he hides all the dangerous stuff in his closet.

But when it comes to people, he can be very clumsy in those situations😓

Like a kid could be bullying you and he walks up like:

Mirage: hey! Leave them alone!

Bully: *angry death glare* or what old man?!

Mirage: um... Leave them alone or-or i-I'll... Tell your parents! Yeah!

Bully: fine whatever *glares at y/n* we're not done yet wierdo!

Mirage: haha yeah that's what I thought! Come on y/n let's leave!

He did it in the end though👏


She is a medic so she can take care of you if you get hurt, she will take care of you and kiss you in the cheek to make you feel better.

She won't take shit from other people though, she is not a passive person when it comes to you and she will yell at the person until they leaves in fear.

Later she will go and get some ice-cream with you to lift the mood.


Oh boy...

You are one of the few things he cares about, he dosen't show it often but when he protects you it gets really clear.

He will use whatever hurt you as a test subject no matter what it is.

Whatever messes with you is doomed


He is really laid back but he keeps you as far away as possible from any threat.

If it is his stunts he will pick you up and sprint away to a safe distance and drops you, he will often kiss the top of your forehead and say things like:

"stay here hijo/a"

"you can watch from here"

Same with people, he will pick you up and sprint away with you and he gets really affectionate afterwards😊


She handles you like you are the most fragile and precious thing in the whole world🥺

You kind of clings to her too so you can keep each other safe at all times❤️


You are the only family he has left of course he is very protective of you.

OK protective is an understatement.

Like he will monitor you and everyone around you with his drone hack. And if you are in danger he will quickly take you away.

If it's a person he will ruin their lives.

He will empty their bank account.

Ruin their relationships.

Leak there secrets online.



Whatever messes with you will disappear the next day.

He is usually very grumpy so it always confuse you when he comes back home and gently pats your head, you don't even notice the blood on his body because of your shock.


She is EXTREMELY overprotective.

Especially around Revenant.

She always holds you close because she is afraid of losing you forever.

Revenant: *stands one meter close to you*

Loba: stay away demonio🤺


She is not that protective but she always try to make you smile if something bad happens.

Y/n: mommy😭

Rampart: what did you do this time kiddo? Haha come here you. *puts y/n on her lap*

Y/n: someone said I was ugly😢

Rampart: no your not, look at you. You are fabulous! They are just jealous. Come on show me that smile.

Y/n: 🥺

Rampart: you can do better than that *starts to tickle y/n*



Horizon is protective in a very caring way. If she senses distress she will pick you up gently and excuse herself.

She will then cuddle with you gently and hum a song.


Instead of shielding you from the world he will introduce it to you.

Even if the topic can be uncomfortable he will teach you about it so you can prepare yourself in any situation, but this has resulted in you learning wierd shit like:

How to cook with a flamethrower.

How to hold people in a headlock

How to steal someones wallet

Etc etc.

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