When You Curse

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You try not to curse around her because she will go full soldier mode. Sometimes she makes you run laps but she usually gives you a stern look and says:

"drop down and give me 20 push-ups"


You don't curse because you think that it is unnecessary, plus you see it as a sign of weakness for some reason


She is very conflicted whenever you curse because of her voices. Some are chill about it and others will demand Wraith to put you in time-out


He will sit you down and give you a looooong lecture about manners


It dosen't phase him in the slightest but it distresses some of the other legends


He gets flashbacks from when you spoke your first word. And then he starts to rant to himself about it


She will get really pissed off at you.

Y/n: shit!

Lifeline: hey! What did you say!?

Y/n: nothing mom!

Lifeline: don't give me that crap! Go to your room and watch your mouth next time.


He dosen't like it when you don't watch your profanity. He will lecture you and then he will give you extra chores. Ok, extra chores is an understatement. Your basically his slave for the entire day.


He is pretty chill about it, octane likes to teach you Spanish swear words sometimes as well😉


She will be shocked (😏) and she asks you how you were taught that language. She will also fill you in on what those words mean


He isn't surprised because he let you access the internet at a early age. Crypto believes that you have to be prepared for the real world as soon as possible


You curse like a sailor and Revenant dosen't give a flying fuck


Loba dosen't like when you curse but she will let you get away with it if you were defending yourself


She will nudge you and jokingly ask were you learnt that. She does not really care.


Horizon will put you in the time-out chair and lecture you about it later but in a very gentle way.

Horizon: did you learn your lesson, sweetie?

Y/n: yes mom...

Horizon: good! How about some food my dear?

Y/n: that would be nice :)


He will chuckle at you and ask jokingly if you spoke that way in front of others. In other words, Fuse is also chill about it

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