If You Died

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She will be devastated, Bangalore takes a long break from the games, but after some time she returns with a picture of you in a locket so that you are always with her.


They would bury you deep in the woods where only they can find your grave. Every day they will visit you and pray.


She becomes extremely depressed and keeps thinking of ways she could have prevented your death


His heart broke when you passed but he promised himself to live on for you.


Pathfinder dosen't understand that you have died and even if the other legends try to tell him, he will still wait for you patiently everyday for you to return.


He won't show it but he becomes extremely depressed, will probably start drinking and he sometimes makes holograms of you so he can see you again.


She will be so angry at her self, she is a medic! She could probably have saved you, but she failed!

These thoughts keep her up at night and it eventually becomes a motivation to never let anyone die again.


He will drown himself in work. He gets super pissed at people if they bring you up in conversation and if someone asks him if he miss you he will deny it. But he clearly misses having you around.


This can go two ways.

Either he stops doing what he loves and becomes extremely depressed or he takes bigger risks to forget the pain (possibly becomes slightly suicidal...).


She will cry for weeks. First she lost her dad and now you!? She will isolate herself until she feels better.


Similar to Caustic, he also drowns himself in work but every time he tries to he thinks of you. Most of the times he won't get anything done and he cries for hours.


He won't change a bit, but deep down he feels really lonely without you.


Loba becomes very irritated at everything and everyone. She will close herself of to other people because she is afraid to lose more people.


She becomes extremely unmotivated, she even takes less care of Sheila.


She can't believe that she has lost two children. Horizon will lose sleep thinking what a horrible mother she is.


Not a day goes by where he is not thinking of you. But he quickly accepts reality and moves. Not because he doesn't care, but because he don't that you would have wanted him to suffer.


Will go to your grave everyday and talk to you. And just like Bangalore, she carries a picture of you everywhere she goes.


It has been a while huh😅

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