I chuckle and throw a piece of popcorn that fell on my lap at Alice's face, knowing she would catch it with her mouth. She chomps away with a smile. After my laugh, I sigh again, keeping my head against the couch and closing my eyes.

"I really don't get it. This crush is a bit too extreme. You know I never get like this. He just reels me in and then stops, constantly. It's exhausting and exhilarating. I've liked guys before, but nothing like this. I barely know the dude. I don't understand."

Growing up, I didn't get much male attention because of my body. It ultimately helped me to know my worth and what I deserve, but it was lonely. When I got to college, I started to meet new people and hooked up with a few people but have only ever had sex once. After that time with one of my close guy friends, I decided I needed to wait for someone I actually liked in that way.

I've had small crushes here and there and some attraction, but nothing this exciting. I'm guessing that's why I'm being so obsessive. I'm also very sexually deprived so it makes sense.

Alice is staring at me when I open my eyes again, giving me one of her looks.

"You don't have to understand everything, Gemma. I know you want to, but you don't need to. Sometimes things just are the way they are. You're attracted to him and the mystery, and that's okay. What isn't okay is him leading you along like this. Give me your phone." She crawls toward me on the couch, the blanket still around her small frame.

She looks like an evil turtle on its way to cause trouble.

"No way. No. No." I continue to protest as she climbs on top of me, trying to fish my phone out of my pockets, unsure of where it is exactly. Little does she know, it's in my bralette for safe keeping. This isn't the first time she's tried to get her hands on my phone.

"Please, Gemma. I need this! Let me live." Alice yells dramatically, then stops suddenly and stares at the door, like she hears something.

"Alice...?" Before I know what's happening, she sticks her hand down my shirt, grabbing the phone from my bra in one quick motion. I shriek, shock running through me. "Alice McGuire! Personal space!"

Alice snickers evilly, sticks out her tongue, and runs to the bathroom, her blanket finally falling off in the hallway. I hear her lock the door after slamming it. I run after her in vain, almost tripping on the blanket in the process.

"Alice, we aren't in middle school! Give me my damn phone." I shake the door handle, grunting. "What are you even trying to do?"

I hear Alice giggling in the bathroom and I know it's a lost cause. Sliding down the door in defeat, I put my head in my hands. After a few minutes, the giggling stops, and I hear the shower running. I stand up immediately.

"Alice! Seriously? You're taking a shower right now?"

"It's getting too hot and steamy in here; I need a cold shower!" Alice yells to me over the noise, bursting out laughing.

"No fucking way." I attempt to open the door again, putting my body weight into it, which we know is a lot. It swings open with ease, causing me to rush into the bathroom with too much speed, tripping over the rug. My face meets the floor first, but I can't focus on that now. I pick myself up and find Alice curled up on the closed toilet seat, not in the shower, looking at me with surprise in her eyes.

We stare at each other for a few seconds before Alice begins laughing again, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Are you okay?" She manages to breathe out while I rub my chin, noticing in the mirror that it's already starting to bruise.

"Fine. Now where's my phone?" I stick my hand out with an annoyed look on my face.

She points to the counter, continuing to laugh. I take the two steps to the countertop and grab my phone, rushing to look through the text messages that I know she sent to Mr. Mysterious. She even took it upon herself to add a little magnifying glass emoji to his contact information. I suppress my smile because I'm still mad at her.

Me aka Alice: So...can we just talk about that leather jacket? I can't get it out of my head.

Kieran: The leather jacket is what gets you, huh? Good to know.

Me aka Alice: Oh yeah. Leather gets me. ;)

Kieran: I'm learning a lot. What else can you tell me?

Me aka Alice: Another thing that gets me is the growling in my ear. *cat face emoji*

I cringe, mad at myself for telling Alice about that detail.

Kieran: I'll have to keep that in mind. ;)

I look up at Alice as I feel my cheeks turn fiercely red. "What did you do?"

Alice stops laughing for a few seconds and says "I opened the door. I can now live vicariously through your sexting. You're welcome."

Alice stands up from the toilet seat, blows me a kiss, and swiftly leaves the bathroom after turning the shower off. I stare after her in utter disbelief. What am I even supposed to say to this? As happy as I am that he's flirting, I know it's going to be short lived, and I don't want to face the rejection again.

I follow my so-called best friend back into the living room, sliding next to her on the couch.

"I'm not good at texting like this," I whine.

"Gemma, the term is 'sexting'," Alice smirks. "You'll do fine. I've seen you flirt before and you're great, you just have to be confident. I know you can do that."

I breathe out slowly and jump when my phone dings.

Kieran: Do you want to know what I like?

Turning the phone towards Alice, my eyes bulge out from my head. He's never flirted like this.

"So, do you?" She presses.

Me: I don't know, do I?

Kieran: Hard to get. I like it.

Me: You're the definition of 'hard to get'.

Kieran: Maybe. But I have my reasons.

I stop short, realizing that this may trigger a mood change for him, so I do the first thing that comes to mind.

Me: Come over.

Gem in the RoughWhere stories live. Discover now