Chapter 8

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It feels like days waiting for Kieran's response to my text message, but it was only fifteen minutes of me constantly checking my phone for a notification. When it finally buzzes, I sit up in my bed where I've been lying in wait.

Kieran: Hey, Gem. Yes I am definitely in need of your services... :)

Me: How can I help you?

Kieran: Something came up so I need my next few shifts covered. I don't really know anyone else in the tech office. Could you help me out and see if anyone can cover for me? I'd owe you one.

Me: Sounds doable. I'll text some of the other techs for you. Once you get back, you'll have to get their numbers, so I don't have to do the dirty work for you anymore. ;)

I smirk at my response. When I don't get a text back right away, I begin to doubt the wink face I had sent. I start to chew on my thumbnail, a nervous habit I'm famous for. I stare at the phone, waiting, until the screen lights up again.

Kieran: Promise. Though this 'dirty work' sounds interesting...

Okay, who the hell is this guy? One second, it's this flirty, witty banter and the next I'm sure he'll be all stiff and professional. I don't get it. What I do know is that I'm going to ride this flirty banter mood for as long as possible.

Me: It's definitely interesting. Maybe someday I'll show you my ways.

Kieran: I'm going to hold you to that.

Me: Hold me, huh?

Kieran: Possibly.

Me: Hm. You've got this girl intrigued.

Kieran: Haha. Well, Gem. It's best if you weren't intrigued by me. Thanks for your help. Have a good night.

Well, there we go again. What did I say this time? Ugh.

Me: I don't think that's up to you to decide... No problem. Good luck with whatever came up. Hope you're okay.


I don't hear back from Kieran after that text conversation. Other than when I let him know who was covering for him until Sunday. I told him I'd see him then, as I worked the same shift. Kieran wrote a quick "thank you" and that was it.

It's now Saturday night and I'm on the couch with Alice's head in my lap. I stroke her hair as she stuffs cheesy popcorn into her mouth. One kernel drops to the floor and I cringe. It's just a crumb, Gemma, get over it. Alice must sense my discomfort but doesn't say anything, just picks up the kernel and puts it on a napkin on the coffee table.

"I just want a Christian Grey, okay?" She mumbles through the sounds of her munching the popcorn.

"I know, Alice. I know." I continue to play with her hair and listen to her rant about how 'all men are trash'. This new guy she had met turned out to be a part of that 'trash' she's speaking of. She won't tell me exactly what happened, but has been upset all day about it, hence our movie marathon and me playing with her hair.

When the movie is over and Alice finishes her snacks, she sits up in a huff.

"I need to live vicariously through you. Where is Mr. Mysterious?"

I sigh and shake my head, letting it fall onto the couch behind me. "Can we please not call him that anymore? It was funny at first but now he's so mysterious it hurts."

I explain to Alice what's been happening, still not understanding what has been making his moods shift so much and so quickly.

"He sounds moody. Maybe Mr. Moody will be his new nickname?"

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