Minutes later, I suddenly hear my name being called. Soon Avery's voice gets clear. I jolt up on my feet and run towards the bathroom. All three of them follow me. Avery is standing at the door, holding the frame with one hand and the other is pressed on the lower side of her belly. A thin wet liquidy something is dripping down her legs.

"Dylan I think my water broke, " she says. I've stopped in my track and I didn't even realise it. I take some time to process her words. All those counselling advises seeming to fade away. I stare blankly at her face until she snaps again, "Dylan my water broke!" I blink rapidly.

"Yeah right, " I scurry to her side and hold her.

"I'm getting the car ready, " Mike says and runs off. The hospital bag is already in my car trunk. I wanted to be ready about everything but this surely is more than I anticipated. Can I do it?

"Take deep breaths, " Melissa says appearing to Avery's side. She nods and breathes. Father should take deep breaths if you panic. Yeah, deep breaths. Deep breaths.

We get into the car's back seat. Melissa runs towards Brad's car. Turning on the engine, Mike says, "let's go bring junior Walker home."


5 hours later

I am sitting beside Avery. Holding her hand. Her contractions have started getting more frequent than ever. The last time the doctor came in, she said she is about nine centimetres dilated. Honestly, I am freaking out a little right now, actually a lot. And the biggest question is, will I be a good father? I don't have any experience with kids. How am I going to manage? And I know very well managing a doll and pretending it to be a kid and actually managing a kid are two completely different things. God, I hope it works out!

"Ahh!" Avery grunts and squeezes my hand I jolt up on my feet and start caressing her forehead with my free hand.

"Breathe baby, breathe," I chant.

"Ahh!" She grunts once more and lets her head slum into the pillow. It hurts to see her in so much pain. I can't even imagine what she is going through right now.

Caressing her head, I sit down beside her. Then pull her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles.

The doctor comes in. "Okay, let's see how much you have dilated Mrs Walker. Shall we?" She lifts the bottom of Avery's gown and looks in between her legs which are now raised on the leg holder. Right now I couldn't be more thankful that she asked for a female doctor. "Well, you are already ten centimetres dilated. I think it's time, " she says and lifts her head up and smiles at both of us.

I gulp down and take a deep breath. Our baby boy is coming. Wow.

I come back into the room after getting dressed in scrubs and move to stand near Avery's head. I push my hand under hers and hold her. "Now when the contraction comes, take deep breaths. I'll count to ten and say push only then you'll push once okay?" the doctor explains.

Avery nods and grips my hand tightly. "You got this, " I whisper slowly.

Two seconds later, her grip on my hand tightens and she starts grunting. "Take a deep breath, " the nurse says. Avery takes in a sharp breath.

"Push, " the doctor orders and Avery squeezes my hand tighter than ever.

After almost an hour of this process when the doctor says again, "push!" Avery cries out. With time, the process started getting more painful for Avery. She has been crying and I can't help but feel bad.

"I can't!" Tear are rolling down her face.

"Avery I need you to push a little more, " the doctor says. "You're almost there."

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