22 - stronger

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I slowly opened my eyes, looking straight at the wall in front of me. Once my eyes adjusted to the lowly lit room, I tried to move, but my body felt sore and it felt like something was weighing down on me.

I looked around the room more from the position I was in. Posters of various different rock, indie, and rap groups sticked to most of the walls in the room. There were some holes in the wall that looked like they were made from a punch. Something that stood out the most was how messy the room was. Clothes scattered everywhere, empty dishes/glasses on the night stand and the dresser, books half opened on the floor, and other miscellaneous items.

I realized I was in Dabi's room. Then I also realized that the thing weighing me down was Dabi himself. I could feel small pants of air hitting the skin of my neck. His head rested in the crook of my neck.

He was adorable. The thing I liked most about Dabi was his skin. Most people from what I could tell were afraid of him, or think he's ugly because of his burnt skin, but in my eyes he's unique.

I tried moving my body a little to switch the position I was in, but his arms pulled me closer. His left leg moving on top of mine, straddling my waist, bringing my body closer to his.

"Don't move," he said, sleepily.

Sometime later, he eventually woke up. He asked me if I was hungry, and I had told him I was. He ordered some food from a near by breakfast place. Once the delivery guy was here, he got up and went to get the food.

While we ate on his bed, he had told me what happened to me the night before. I honestly couldn't remember anything that happened the night before. I didn't understand why my whole body was sore, and why I had bandaids on covering my arms, legs, chest, and face. He told me that he cleaned everything up, and that nothing would get infected.

He's always shitty to me, so this recent gesture of his was pretty shocking. I'm grateful he saved me, but knowing him I feel like I owe him something now.

"Your gonna stay home this entire week and rest up, okay? No leaving the house or this bed, I'll do your stuff for you," I sat there in shock. It's like I was talking to a completely different person.

I think whoever punched me punched me hard because this isn't the Dabi I know. I liked it, but I liked him also for his crude side. "Yes sir," I saluted him, and he began to laugh. I truly couldn't tell if I was having a dream or not. His smile, his laugh, it was all just so.... adorable.

"Hey y/n, I wanted to tell you," the tone in the room changed within seconds.

"Next week i'm taking you to the hide out."

"What hide out?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"The league of villains hideout. I'm gonna train you so that what happened to you last night doesn't happen again."

My eyes lit up. I already knew how to fight, but I wanted to be better. I wanted to be smarter. My quirk was meant to be used for fighting situations, so I want to get stronger, I want to be undefeatable.

After he told me about training me, he told me about his friends, and about the league itself. The rest of the day was pretty chill. We laid in bed all day talking about random things, watching shows, and movies. Even though my body was in pain, Dabi was a really helpful distraction from it all.

Once the night came, Dabi had snuggled up against me again. We put on a movie, but he didn't last long. He fell asleep in the same position that he did the night before, in the crook of my neck and his body wrapping around mine. I tried to fall asleep that night, but the excitement of meeting his friends, and training kept me awake.

Eventually I fell asleep. I couldn't wait for what the weeks ahead of me were to bring me.

I'm so excited to get stronger.

TOXIC - dabiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora