21 - safe with her

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Ill be using the pronouns she and her in this chapter, but please if you don't use these pronouns please replace them to fit what you identify with, and what makes you comfortable!



After getting y/n, and leaving the building, me, twice, and shiggy made our way back to the hideout. The whole strange thing about the situation at hand was that there was no one in the building when we infiltrated it.

I don't know who did this to y/n, but if I ever find out who, ill kill them.

We didn't stay long at the hideout because I thought it would just be safer to be at home. Once I arrived home, I immediately brung y/n to my bathroom. I sat her body up against the wall. I shook her slightly trying to see if she would wake up, but to avail she didn't wake up.

I decided to go through with cleaning her cuts, and giving her a bath. It was the least I could do after letting her go through everything she went through tonight. I carefully stripped her of her dress, and began to clean all the cuts, and bruises on her skin.

I shortly after turned the water on in the bathtub, to get the bath ready. After turning the water on, I lastly started to clean the giant slash on her face. There was already a giant bruise forming on her face from whoever punched her.

Placing my hand on the right side of her face, I stroked the bruised skin with my thumb, "Who would ever punch a girl? What a fucking asshole." It made me so angry that someone did this to her. Someone hurt her this much. The poor girl was in so much pain that she passed out.

The bath was finally ready, so I picked her up, and laid her in the tub. I began to scrub down her body, getting all the dirt, blood, and gunk off of her skin. Once she was cleaned, I dried her off, and put her in some of my clothing.

She looked adorable in my oversized slipknot tee, I smiled. I carried her to my bed, and laid her down gently on the soft sheets. I made sure she felt comfortable, then I covered her with the black duvet. I took off my clothes, and put on a more comfier pair of clothing.

Then I finally laid on my bed. My body was facing her back. All of the sudden thoughts of her came flooding my head. I don't think I've ever thought about someone this much, let alone a girl. I usually fucked around with girls, never got attached, broke hearts, all that bullshit. I've never really settled down, accept for that one time, but again I broke her heart too.

I've always known I was a shitty person, but tonight made me realize how shitty of a person I truly was. I want to change, but I feel like theres really no coming back from it. I try everyday here and there to make slight changes, but then I just go back to the same person I was before.

I got the sudden urge to hug her, so, I did. I cuddled y/n's weary body, holding her close as possible to my chest. I snuggled my head into the crook of her neck.

I felt safe.

I lifted my head, and gave her a small peck on the cheek. Then I buried my head back into the same position it was before.

"Goodnight y/n."


a little filler chapter I hope you liked it <3

also plz check out my new one shots book if you haven't yet! ill try to update it soon~

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