19 - a mistake

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kidnapping, violence, uncomfortable topics


It's like something within me snapped. I might have been super drunk and completely not all there, but I didn't want this. I keep making bad decisions, and it keeps getting me fucked over.

I pulled away from our kiss, "Bakugo stop." I tried pulling down my dress, but to no avail they kept going. A sudden rage washed over me, and I kneed Kirishima in one of his energy points. He fell to the ground grasping for air.

"What the fuck are you doin-" My left hand jabbed the energy point on his arm, causing him to let me go. I pulled my dress down, and put my panties back on.

As I was about to leave the stall, Bakugo grabs me by the hair, pulling me backwards. "Your not going anywhere. Yo Kiri you got the shit?" Bakugo kicked Kirishima in the leg.

"Ya here," Kirishima reached in his left pocket, and pulled out some sort of cloth. "No!" I screamed kicking Bakugo in the knee, but it did nothing. Kirishima got up from the floor, suddenly his body started to form jagged patterns on his skin.

"Hold her down. Her quirk won't effect you when your like that," Kirishima nodded. He grabbed your wrists, holding your arms behind your back.

"Stop it please," I was struggling to get out of Kirishimas grip, but he was so strong, anything I tried had no effect.

"Everything falling into place," Bakugo smiled up at me as he placed the cloth on my mouth.

"Night Night, y/n." As the cloth stayed on my mouth my vision started to become blurry. Then all I saw was black.


It's been about 3 hours since she left. It was super late now. I wonder where she was. The constant thoughts of if she was safe, if she was okay, and if she was coming home kept racing through his mind.

"If only you weren't a fucking asshole Touya, she would be at home right now sleeping." I cursed myself out. I went way to far tonight. She had a point, I shouldn't be coming home angry and taking it out on her, but I don't understand why she won't just leave me alone sometimes.

It's probably because the girl cares for me too much. It's kinda fucking weird that she does. She barely knows anything about me, and yet she cares to ask and push at me to see how I'm doing. No ones ever really asked me that, no ones really asked me the in a while honestly.

Even after I told her what I do when I'm outside the house, even after all my other rude comments, she still fucking cares. "Who is this girl," I smiled to myself, a small laugh leaving my lips.

As I sat on my bed shirtless, starring up at the ceiling in complete darkness, my phone buzzed. "Who could this be?" I grabbed my phone from the bed side table, and unlocked it.

I clicked on the messenger icon, "Unknown number?" I opened the text and my eyes widened. The one thing that I didn't want to happened, happened. She wasn't safe, she was far beyond not being safe.

I started dialling a number, "Yo twice, tell Shigi some shits going down with the hero's." I was filled with so much anger. She's so powerful and strong, and yet they still got her.

"What happened?" Twice said over the phone. "That girl I moved in with, those fucking brats Bakugo, and that other red head kid fucking took her." I hurriedly put my shirt over my head, and on my body.

"Oh shit, okay where should we meet you?"

"Meet me at the bar, most likely Shigaraki will be there." I pulled my arms through the holes of my jacket, grabbed the spare key to the apartment, and headed to the door.

"Okay meet ya there," Twice hung up the phone. I slipped on my boots, and hastily opened the door, and locked it.

I took the elevator, and ran out of the lobby towards the bar as fast as I could.

The entire run there, all I could think about was y/n. I just hope I won't get there to late.

I just hope.

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