Chapter 30

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"Look, even if we figure out who was talking to Scott and Skyler's mom, how do you plan on finding them?" Stiles asked Isaac who frowned.

"Why are we talking about this?" I asked and they looked at me.

"Because we want to know who's asking about you" Scott said and Derek looked at me and then back at everyone else.

"Where's Evan?" Derek asked to switch the topic.

"He left, said he had no purpose on being here if Skyler wasn't the savior" Isaac said and looked at the other two and started talking about Zack again, I sighed and got up. I walked into the kitchen and made some coffee, I watched as the coffee dripped into my cup. I felt hands wrap around my waist and a head on my shoulder.

"I could have made you your coffee Sky" Derek said and I exhaled quietly.

"I needed to get away from the conversation Derek" I replied and I felt Derek's breath on my neck.

"I know, but I still could have came to make it" he said and I looked at him then back at my coffee.

"I don't know why I made this, I'm probably not going to drink it" I said sighing and putting the cup on the counter and Derek laughed.

"Scott probably will drink it" Derek said. "I've been thinking..." Derek said and I looked over at him.

"About?" I asked and he chuckled.

"You know how Scott and Stiles call me sour wolf?" Derek said and I nodded. "Why don't we give each other pet names?" Derek asked but it sounded more like a statement.

"Sour wolf sounds about right for you" I said grabbing the cup and pulling away from him and walking into the living room. I handed Scott the cup and he raised an eyebrow "I thought I wanted a cup of coffee and once I made it I didn't want it so you can have it" I said as he took a sip and I walked back into the kitchen were Derek was by the fridge.

"I'm serious sky" Derek said and I sighed.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked leaning against the counter, Derek walked up to me and puts his hands loosely on my waist.

"I don't know, princess, what about you?" Derek said and I raised an eyebrow at the nickname.

"Princess?" I asked and Derek shrugged.

"It suits you" he said and I frowned.

"Haha very funny baby" I smiled a little as Derek smirked

"That's fine princess" Derek said and I laughed.

"Of course you would allow it, I bet if I asked if I could call you sexy you would allow it" I said rolling my eyes and Derek nodded.

"Yeah you're right" Derek said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yo sky" Stiles said popping his head in the kitchen and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow "Scott wants to talk to you" Stiles says and I rolled my eyes.

"He can come into the kitchen if he wants to talk" I replied and Stiles nodded and walked out of the kitchen then Scott walks in.

"Um, mom wants us home today, something about dad stalking her" Scott said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Do I want to know why he's trying to stalk mom?" I asked and Scott shrugged.

"Mom doesn't know, and she didn't ask, she said and I qoute 'you two need to come home now, dad's stalking me and I think you two can get him to leave me alone'" Scott said and I sighed.

"Call mom back and tell her we are on our way home with some help" I said and looked at Scott as he pulls out his phone and starts dialing a number.

"Do you hear that?" Isaac asked as he walks into the kitchen and I frowned.

"No? Hear what?" Derek asked pulling me next to him and I looked up at him.

"It's like a buzzing sound, how can you not hear it?" Isaac asked and I exhaled.

"Stop talking" I said and everyone stopped talking I listened quietly and sure enough I heard a faint buzzing sound. "How can you not hear that?" I asked Derek and Scott who looked at each other then back at me.

"We don't hear anything" Scott said and I looked at Isaac who was looking around for the source of the sound.

"Isaac" I said and he immediately looks at me "when did you start hearing it?" I asked and Isaac shrugged.

"Just a few minutes ago" Isaac said then Stiles walks in.

"I just got off the phone with Lydia" Stiles says and we all raised an eyebrow "she said that she keeps hearing a buzzing sound, like someone is going to die, she thinks that anyone that hears it will be died" Stiles says and Derek looked at me and I looked straight at Isaac who was watching me.

"Stiles, call Lydia, tell her that me and Isaac are hearing the buzzing sound" I said looking at Stiles who was scrambling to get his phone out of his pocket panicking "Scott text mom... Tell her what is happening" I said and Scott nodded, Derek grabbed my shoulder and made me look at him.

"No matter what I won't let you die" Derek whispered and I looked at him who had his eyes flashed and I sighed.

"I barely hear it, I don't think it's seriously for me" I said and looked at Isaac "I'm more worried about Isaac, he's the first one who heard it" I said and Derek looked at him.

"Maybe we should get going, Stiles" Derek said and Stiles looked at him "what did lydia say?" Derek asked folding his arms and Stiles frowned.

"Nothing, she doesn't know what else to say, she said that if Skyler and Isaac hears it they need to be somewhere they won't hurt themselves or others" Stiles says and Derek looked at me then at Isaac.

"So we can't go home?" I asked and Scott shook his head.

"Mom said that you are to meet her at the hospital, you and Isaac" Scott said looking at me and Isaac.

"But what about dad?" I asked and Scott frowned.

"Me and Stiles will deal with dad, you, Isaac and Derek go to the hospital to meet with Mom and Deaton" Scott said as we all started walking towards the car, Isaac waited at the passenger door waiting for Derek to unlock his car and I growled.

"In the back Isaac" Derek said and Isaac looked at me and then at Derek.

"But I always get front with you Derek" Isaac said and I frowned.

"Get in the back of the car Isaac or else those buzzing sound things won't be the one killing you" I threatened and Derek looked at me.

"Skyler, calm down" Derek said as Isaac got in the back seat and I got in the front and shut the door.

"Buzz off" Isaac mumbled and I growled at him.

"Will you two shut up and calm down" Derek said and we both looked at him and growled.

"Just get us to my mom" I said looking at the window and Derek started the car and drove off. "Isaac how are you holding up?" I asked and Isaac looked at me glaring.

"I'm fine" he snapped and Derek shot a glare at him "that stupid buzzing sound is quite" he said looking away from me and out the window.

"Doesn't mean it will not kill you" I said and Isaac growled at me and I growled back and he stopped.

"Knock it off" Derek said as he pulls up to beacon hills.

Mated to Derek HaleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt