Chapter 18

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The ride to school was pretty much quite, I was on my phone when I got a message.

To Skyler
From Derek

Morning, I'll call you when you are on lunch

To Derek
From Skyler

Morning, you better keep that promise, love you

To Skyler
From Derek

Of course I will, love you too

I smiled at my phone and Isaac looked over at me and I pushed his head away, Stiles pulls up to school and the twins were standing near their bikes.

"You three get to class I'll be there shortly" Scott said and I growled.

"I'm coming with you this is our pack not just your's" I said and Scott sighed.

"And I'm coming to" Isaac said and Scott looked at Stiles who nodded.

"Alright let's go" Scott said and we all walked towards the twins. I hid behind Isaac as we walked towards them.

"Come on out Skyler, we know that you are there" Ethan said and I sighed and I walked out from behind Isaac. "Now, Scott, a pack is only strong by its numbers, you need us Scott" Ethan said looking at Aidan who nodded looking at me.

"Excuse me, it's not just Scott's pack" I growled out and they looked at me.

"You need to pick a pack, either Scott's or Derek's, you can't be in both" Aidan said and I frowned.

"I have time, and for now I'm in both" I said and Ethan frowned.

"Fine, but you guys need us" Ethan said and I folded my arms. Scott told them that they need to prove us that we can trust them, but that was a week ago, right now I was in my room on the phone with Derek.

"When will you be back?" I asked him and I heard him chuckle.

"I already told you, soon, I'll be back next week" he replied and I sighed.

"That's too long Derek" I said and Derek exhaled.

"I know, I'm going crazy without seeing you, and your perfect face" he replied and I chuckled. "I gotta let you go, I'll call you tomorrow, love you" Derek said and I smiled a little.

"Yeah, bye Derek love you too" I said and he hung up, I sat my phone on my nightstand and jumped when someone knocked on my door. I looked over and saw Isaac at the door and he walked in.

"Hey you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah just got off the phone with Derek, why?" I asked and Isaac sat next to me.

"Just curious, you didn't seem to be happy when he hung up" he said and I shrugged.

"All I care about is him coming home next week" I said and looked at Isaac who's face was really close and I backed up. "You're too close Isaac" I said and looked away then Isaac made me look at him "Isaac what are you doing?" I asked as Isaac kissed me, I pushed him away and stood up.

"I am so sorry" he said and I pointed out my door.

"I suggest you leave my room" I said and Isaac got up and left my room I shut the door and picked up my phone, I quickly texted Derek.

To Derek
From Skyler

Something just happened

To Skyler
From Derek

Who the fuck has a death wish? And who the hell kissed you?

Derek replied quicker than I thought and I exhaled and texted him back.

To Derek
From Skyler

Isaac, too both your questions

To Skyler
From Derek

I swear I'm killing him when I get back, please tell me you didn't kiss him back

I laughed, it's cute he's being a over protective boyfriend already.

To Derek
From Skyler

No I pushed him away a second after he kissed me, I swear

To Skyler
From Derek

He goes near you again I'm killing his werewolf ass

To Derek
From Skyler

Haha very funny, I'll let Scott know, maybe he'll make Aidan or Ethan watch me

To Skyler
From Derek

Yeah no, I'm coming back early, I don't trust them and I don't want you near them, I'll be back tomorrow

I smiled and scared, Derek is coming home, yet, Isaac is dead meat, this is great, and now he won't let me out of his sight.

To Derek
From Skyler

Don't, you don't have to come back early, I can take care of myself you know

To Skyler
From Derek

Oh I know, I want to come back early, I miss you, you get some rest good night, I'll be back tomorrow morning.

To Derek
From Skyler


I turned off my phone and looked at my ceiling. Derek's coming home tomorrow morning, he's going to kill Isaac, and kill the twins, he's going to kill everyone in sight just to see me, what am I going to do. I was too busy thinking about what I was going to do, to notice that someone broke into my room, the next thing I know is I blacked out and woke up in a different place.

"Ah you're awake good" I heard peter's voice and I groaned.

"Why is it always you?" I asked and Peter walked closer to me.

"Because you are the key to getting what I want" Peter said and I frowned.

"Just because you have me, doesn't mean you will get it" I said and Peter chuckled.

"Oh but I will, you see, you have two people who care for you, and once they noticed that you are gone they are both going to look for you" Peter said and I struggled with the chains.

"Too bad, you should know by now, Derek isn't here" I said and Peter smiled "unless... No" I said "he's not back already" I looked at the ground.

"I left with him, if I'm back, he's back" Peter said and I growled at him.

"Let me go you monster" I growled out and Peter walked away.

"No, I think I'm going to make sure Derek and Scott know that I have you" Peter said and I growled low, turning it into a howl.
(Derek's POV)

I came back early with Peter, but once we got back Peter disappeared, I was in my loft and my head hurt, then Scott came in.

"Derek? You're back?" He asked and I nodded "she's gone" Scott said and I raised an eyebrow. "My sister is gone Derek!" Scott said.

"I know" I said and Scott frowned and walked closer to me.

"If you know then why aren't you looking for her? She is your girlfriend is she not?" Scott asked me and I looked at him with a frown.

"I'm waiting, knowing her, she'll howl" I replied "now, where the hell is Isaac?" I asked and Scott raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" He asked and I folded my arms.

"He has a death wish" was all I said, and as soon as I said that I heard a howl. "And there it is" I said and walked out of my loft, Scott ran to catch up. "Scott stay here, I'm not sure if this is a trap or not, who ever took her, must want something to do with me or you or even both of us" I said looking at Scott who frowned.

"She's my sister to, I'm going" Scott said and I frowned.

"I understand that Scott but it could be a trap" I replied and Scott folded his arms and I sighed "fine, just don't get caught, I'm not saving you if you do" I said and we walked out and into my car.

Mated to Derek HaleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu