Chapter 2

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(picture of Scott)
I left the hospital the next day, so I was sitting on the couch with my crutches next to me watching TV, my mom walked in and turned it off and I frowned.

"Just because you are broken doesn't mean you can sit around watching TV" she said and I sighed, I got up and grabbed my crutches and hobbled up the stairs and knocked on Scott's door.

"Yo?" He asked and I opened the door, "hey what's up Skyler?" He asked not looking at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" I asked and Scott nodded "you sure? I didn't even say anything and you already knew that it was me" I replied and he looked at me.

"Uh, nothing, I'm fine" he said and turned to his laptop and I walked in, I looked at the tab he was on, then his shuts his laptop lid and looked at me.

"Scott..." I said and sat down on his bed he sighed and went to shut his door.

"You can't tell anyone" he said and I nodded "I already told Stiles but that's because he was there when it happened. But I got bit yesterday by a wolf" he said and I raised an eyebrow.

"That's impossible, there isn't any wolves in california" I replied and Scott sighed and lifted his shirt and showed me a bite looking mark. "It could have been a mountain lion or something" I said but Scott shook his head.

"It healed pretty fast Skyler" Scott said and I looked at him, he really thinks he got bit "like faster than anything I have ever seen" Scott continued to say and I nodded.

"Alright! You two get down here!" Mom yelled from downstairs and we slowly made our way towards the stairs. "I have to get to work, no one leaves the house" mom said and we both nodded then she walked out of the house and was gone. I groaned, Scott looked at me and sighs.

"School starts tommorow" I said and he nodded, "I hate school" I said as I made my way to my room.

"And you don't think I do?" Scott said as he shuts his door to his room. I shut my door and laid in bed, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The next morning, I was being shook awake and then someone throw something at me.

"Ow! What was that for?!" I yelled looking at Scott who had his arms folded.

"Time to get up, school starts today" Scott said and I groaned but got up, school wasn't something I enjoy. Though I get to hang out with Scott and Stiles all day. I quickly got changed, well as quickly as I can go with my leg, then put on some makeup and made my way downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Are you driving?" I asked and Scott looked at me then sighs.

"No, mom took the car" he replied and I frowned.

"Then who the hell is taking us to school? Stiles can't" I said and Scott nodded.

"I know, but I'm not driving, we have to bike to school" he said and I groaned.

"I can't bike though" I said and Scott rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you ask your friend, Rose, to pick you up" Scott said and I frowned, I forget that I could ask Rose.

"It's too late, she's probably at school" I replied and Scott sighed.

"I'll call Stiles, frankly mom should have been more lenient with you" he said and pulled out his phone and dialed someone's number. "Hey" he said.

'Scott why are you calling me, I'm at work' I heard mom say through the phone.

"I know, but I can't bike Skyler to school, and Rose is at school" Scott said and I heard mom sigh.

'have her walk' mom said and I frowned.

"Mom she's on crutches, she can't walk, besides we are like an hour away from school with her leg it's going to be two hours" Scott argued with Mom.

'what do you want me to do about it Scott? I can't leave work and pick her up' mom said and I rolled my eyes.

"I mean I know one person who hasn't left yet for school, but you said no to him" Scott said and I heard mom sigh.

'fine, Stiles can pick her up' mom said and I smiled and pulled out my phone, I dialed Stiles number.

"Hello? I thought your mom said no Stiles?" Stiles says and I rolled my eyes at my phone.

"Yeah, but I need you to pick me up, Scott doesn't have the car to drive, he can't bike me to school and Rose, I'm one hundred percent sure she hates me and is at school, so" I replied and I heard movement on Stiles end then his Jeep starting.

"I'm on my way, I'll be there in 20" Stiles says and hangs up.

"He is way to eager to come pick me up" I said and Scott laughed.

"I'll see you at school" he said and hugged me but I stopped him.

"Why don't you get a ride from Stiles he's on his way" I said but Scott shook his head.

"I need to get there early to get our schedule and lockers" Scott said and I nodded then Scott walked out of the house and was gone. I heard Stiles jeep pull up and I grabbed my backpack and my keys and hobbled out of the house, Stiles came running up to me and took my backpack from me.

"Where's Scott?" Stiles asked and I frowned as I locked the door.

"He already left, says he needs to get there early to get mine and his schedules and stuff" I replied as we slowly made it to Stiles Jeep. We got in and after 25 minutes we made it to the school, Stiles and I got out and I made my way to the front door with Stiles who looked like a dork with mine and his backpack, we walked in and Scott came walking up to us.

"Here you go Skyler" Scott said handing me my schedule and locker codes.

"Ew, I have chamisty with Mr. Harris" I said and Scott frowned.

"Same, how about you Stiles?" Scott asked as Stiles pulls out his schedule and nodded. We looked at each other's schedules and chuckled feeling bad for the teachers.

"Oh I feel bad" I said and we all walked into our English class together, everyone in the class turned to look at us as we all sat together and then they all continued to talk. The bell rang and school started, I was barely paying attention to my classes, right now it was lunch and I was sitting at a table with Scott and Stiles, who were talking about Scott's bite that was completely healed, however I was staring at the window, something was off and I didn't know what it was.

"Earth to Skyler" Stiles waved his hand in my face and I looked at him. "Did anything bite you when we were in the woods?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No just me tripping" I replied then started out the window again. Something was definitely off, but my stomach and head hurt for no reason.

Mated to Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now