Chapter 11

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(picture of Isaac)

It was nearing morning, and me, Derek, Isaac and Annabelle where in the bus waiting for the sun to come up.

"How did you learn to control it so fast Skyler?" Isaac asked me and I looked at him.

"I saw Derek getting his butt kicked and I felt his pain, wasn't hard" I said shrugging and Derek looked at me.

"Is the pain gone?" Derek asked and I looked at him.

"Yeah, though it still hurts but not as bad as it was when you first got hurt" I said and Derek nodded. "I'm sorry Annabelle" I said looking at her and she shrugged.

"It's all good, I should be the one who is sorry, I almost killed Derek, almost killing you, and I only got in control when you were going to kill me" Annabelle said and I frowned.

"I wouldn't have killed you, just badly hurt you" I responded and I looked out of the window and saw the sun rising.

"Thank God it's Saturday" Isaac mumbled and yawned, I chuckled and I looked at Derek who had his phone in his hand texting someone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked and Derek looked at me and I looked at his phone.

"Stiles, I'm asking him to cover for you for the day" Derek said and I frowned.

"I have a better idea" I said and grabbed my phone.

To mom
From Skyler

Hey mom, thanks for letting me stay at Stiles last night, I'll be home later tonight, hanging out with a new friend of mine

I looked at Derek who had his eyebrow raised then my phone went off.

To Skyler
From mom

Be home by dinner, who's this new friend of yours?

To mom
From Skyler

Her names Annabelle, thanks mom

I smiled and put my phone away and looked at Derek.

"I told my mom that I'm hanging out with a friend today she said it's fine" I said and Derek nodded.

"Wait which friend?" Isaac asked and I looked at Annabelle.

"Annabelle, but I'm staying with Derek" I said and Annabelle nodded.

"Don't worry I'll cover for you" Annabelle says and we all walked out of the bus, Derek grabbed a hold of my hand and I tugged him to stop, he looks at me.

"Yeah?" He asked and I looked as Isaac and Annabelle get into the elevator and the door shuts. I look back at him and he raised an eyebrow, I then pulled him down and I kissed his check.

"You're too tall" I muttered and Derek chuckled.

"Derek!" Someone yelled from upstairs and he groaned.

"What's that?" I asked and Derek looked at me.

"My uncle" he replied and grabbed my hand and we walked into the elevator and went straight up to his loft, I wrapped my arms around Derek's waist the whole way up to calm me down, Derek didn't seem to care.

"Why is your uncle here?" I asked and Derek shrugged. Then elevator stopped and I unwrapped my arms from Derek as we walked into his loft and saw someone standing in front of Derek's table he has.

"What?" Derek asked and the man turned around and frowned.

"What are you doing today?" He asked and Derek looked at me then his uncle.

"I planned on sleeping all day why Peter?" Derek responded and the man Peter frowned.

"I need your help with something, but I'll ask Scott to help me" Peter said and I looked at him.

"Why would Scott help you?" I asked and Peter looked at me.

"How do you know Scott, young lady?" Peter asked and I looked at Derek who looked back at me.

"Knowing Scott he won't help you unless he really needs to" I replied and ingored his question.

"Like a leverage?" Peter asked and I frowned.

"Not what I am saying" I replied and looked at Peter who nodded ignoring me.

"Does Scott have someone he cares about?" Peter asked Derek who glared at him.

"Why would you like to know?" Derek asked and Peter shrugged.

"Just curious" Peter said and walked out of the loft, Derek watched as Peter walked out of the loft then he looked at me.

"Come on, let's get some rest" Derek said grabbing my hand and we walked up the sprial staircase.

"Derek.." I started to say and he looks at me "I don't think wearing my outfit I wore yesterday is a good idea" I said and Derek walked towards a set of doors and walked in, a couple of second's later he walks out with a shirt and hands it to me.

"Here you can wear my shirt" he said and I looked at it and I laughed as I walked into his bathroom and got changed, the shirt was too big for me and it looked like a dress on me. I walked out of his bathroom and saw Derek in his bed reading a book, shirtless and he looked up at me.

"What?" I asked as he chuckled and moved over to make room for me, he patted the spot next to him and I immediately crawled in next to him.

"Nothing, I really enjoy seeing you in my shirt is all" he replied and I rolled my eyes and laid down next to him.

"Promise me that you won't leave me" I whispered as he put his head on the pillow next to me.

"I promise" he whispered back and I buried my face in his chest as he wraps his arms around me, we both fell asleep. When I woke up I heard voices and I wasn't in Derek's loft.

"Let her go Peter!" I heard Scott say I looked around and saw I was still in Derek's shirt, but I was tied up in a chair. Shit, Scott will see me in Derek's shirt I thought and looked around the room again.

"Not until you help me" Peter said "she'll be safe until you help" he added and I growled.

"I want to see her" Scott said and I closed my eyes, please say no, please say no I thought Scott will kill Derek if he sees me in his shirt.

"Fine, this way" I heard Peter say, shit I thought then I heard footsteps. The door to the room I was in opened and I saw Peter walk in with Scott behind him.

"Sky! Are you okay?!" Scott asked and walked towards me but Peter stopped him, I nodded "are you in Derek's shirt?" Scott asked and I nodded again, then Scott turned to Peter. "You could have let her get changed" Scott said and Peter shrugged.

"She has clothes to change into later, I took her when she was asleep" Peter said and pushes Scott out of the room but Scott stopped him.

"I'll help you after you let my sister go" Scott said and Peter looked at me then at Scott.

"No can do, there's another reason why I need her, to get Derek to help, so call Derek" Peter said and Scott pulled out his phone and looked at me, I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Skyler, I have to" Scott said and he dialed a number.

"Scott I can't find your sister do you know where she is?" I heard Derek on the phone, I whimpered.

"Yes I know where she is, Derek, it's not good" Scott replied "and mind telling me why she's in your shirt?" Scott added and I heard Derek exhale.

Mated to Derek HaleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora