Chapter 7

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I took a quick shower and got changed, then dried my hair then brushed it out.

"Hey you coming to bed Sky?" Scott asked and walked in my bathroom.

"Yeah gave me a minute" I said and brushed my teeth once I finished, I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room and into Scott's room, Scott was in his bed looking at his phone, I walked over and crawled into bed with Scott. He looked over at me and smiled, he turned his phone off and he laid down, I buried my face in his chest and we fell asleep.

"Scott Skyler!" Mom yelled at us and I looked up at her.

"Hm?" I said and Mom shook Scott.

"Scott wake up" mom said and Scott slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. "I haven't seen you two sleep in the same bed in years, but it's time to get ready for school" mom said and she walks out of Scott's room, I buried my face in one of Scott's pillows and groaned.

"I don't want to go to school!" I groaned and Scott laughed.

"Get up, that new student is supposed to be here today, and Stiles decided to volunteer us and him to show them around school" Scott said as he was taking off his shirt, I turned and looked at him then covered my eyes.

"My eyes!" I yelled getting up and grabbing my phone then ran out of his room into mine.

"It's nothing you haven't seen already!" Scott yelled and I got changed and put some makeup on. I walked downstairs and saw Scott eating breakfast and I quickly made my breakfast and ate it. "Stiles will be here in a few minutes" Scott said as Stiles jeep pulls up. "Speaking of him" Scott mumbled as Stiles walks in.

"What's up my twin McCall's!?" He yells and I groan.

"Why would you sign us up for showing the new kid around?" I asked and Stiles frowned.

"I don't know Skyler maybe it's the fact that this new kid might be one of you guys" Stiles said and I frowned.

"Let's go before we are late" Scott said and we all walked out of the house and got into Stiles jeep, me in the back, Scott in the passenger and Stiles in driver, then my phone started going off and I jumped, I looked at the caller 'hottie' and I frowned but answered it.

"I figured it out" Derek said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Figured what out? And do you have to call me now? I'm going to be in school in like 30 minutes" I replied and Derek sighed.

"I figured out who trapped you in my elevator" Derek replied "and yes it's important" Derek added and I sighed.

"Alright who?" I asked and Scott looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Someone named Annabelle, I figured it couldn't be Scott or Stiles because they didn't know, it couldn't have been me since I was in my loft, and you wouldn't trap yourself in the elevator" Derek explained "and you guys are the only ones who can get up here, unless it's my pack, or my ex" Derek said and I had to fight back a growl.

"Okay so why would she want me trapped?" I asked but then frowned "nevermind don't answer that, that was stupid" I said and Derek laughed.

"Just be careful, I'll send you a picture of what she looks like so you can watch for her" Derek said and I nodded a little.

"Alright thanks, I'll call you after school" I replied and Derek chuckled.

"Yeah bye" he said and hung up, Scott looks at me as the picture of Annabelle comes through and I looked at Scott.

"Who was that?" Stiles asked and I looked at them.

"Derek" I responded calmly and Scott raised an eyebrow. "He figured out who trapped me in the elevator and he wanted me to know" I said and Scott nodded. Stiles parked his Jeep and we all climbed out and walked into the school, we immediately went to the office and Stiles was drumming his hand on the counter. "Stiles if you don't stop I'm going to-" I started to say when someone comes over to us.

"Are you guys here to show our new student around?" She asked and me, Scott and Stiles nodded "okay, let me go get her, I'll be right back" she said and walked away from us, then Stiles started drumming again and I glared at him only to see him not drumming. The lady came back to us with another girl behind her, I froze and fished out my phone.

"Scott" I said tugging at him and looking at the photo Derek sent me, Scott looked at my phone then back at the girl.

"Hi I'm Stiles, and these are Scott and Skyler" Stiles said holding out his hand, the girl shook it.

"Hi I'm Annabelle" she said and I looked at Scott and then at Stiles.

"Hey Stiles" I said and Stiles looked at me then he looked at my phone and then at Annabelle. "I'm sorry, have we met before? You look really familiar" I asked Annabelle and she looked at me.

"Uh not that I know of" Annabelle said and I nodded.

"Um, you guys go ahead and show her around, I need to make a quick phone call" I said and the boys nodded.

"We can wait for you if you liked" Annabelle suggested but I shook my head.

"No, it won't take long, I'll catch up soon" I said and they all nodded, then I walked outside and dialed Derek's number and waited.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Derek's voice came through the phone.

"No I'm showing some new student around the school but we have a problem here" I replied and I heard movement on Derek's side.

"What's going on?" He asked and I looked around making sure no one is around.

"She's here Derek, Annabelle goes to my school" I replied and I heard Derek growl.

"I'll be there in a few, try and make sure she doesn't do anything" Derek replied and I walked back into the school.

"Alright text me when you get here, bye" I said and went to find the boys and Annabelle.

"I will bye" he replied and then hung up, I found the boy's and Annabelle near a locker and I walked towards them.

"She's jealous" Stiles said as I stood next to him, I raised an eyebrow "she thinks you and Scott are together" he said laughing and I gagged.

"Ew" I replied and Stiles nodded and I looked at Annabelle. "Why would she be jealous?" I asked and Stiles shrugs.

"Don't know, I think she's jealous that you are getting all the good boys" Stiles said and I looked at him. "Don't say anything, I see the way Derek looks at you, however Scott doesn't, keep it that way" Stiles said and I nodded.

"Stiles" Scott called Stiles and he walked over to Scott who started whispering in his ear, Annabelle came over to me and smiled.

"So, how do you know Scott and Stiles?" Annabelle asked and I looked at her.

"I've been friends with then my whole life" I replied and annabelle nodded.

"Do you like Scott?" Annabelle asked and I frowned.

"Yeah..." I started to say and Annabelle growls "but why wouldn't I like him? He's my brother" I said and she stops growling and looks at me in surprise. "Why do you like him?" I asked and Annabelle looks away.

"No reason" she said and my phone went off telling me Derek is here.

Mated to Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now