Chapter 21

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(picture of Derek's car)
"I'm making sure you are safe Skyler" he said and I held back a growl threatening to escape.

"You don't have that right anymore, mom is fine with me hanging out with my friends, that's all you need to know, go back to beacon hills dad" I said walking back to Derek car but I heard my dad's car door open and he put a hand on my shoulder, I looked over at him then at Derek's car who hasn't gotten out of the car.

"At least introduce me to your friend of yours" dad said and I frowned.

"No, now leave" I said and pulls away from my dad and got back into Derek's car. I folded my arms and Derek looks at me.

"You okay?" He asked and I shrugged "what's wrong?" Derek asked and grabbed my hand.

"Nothing, let's just go and enjoy this day please" I said and Derek nodded, then started the car once I got buckled in. It felt like forever until we stopped again, Derek had turned on the radio so I was singing to all the songs, and Derek was laughing "stop laughing at me" I said covering my face and Derek chuckled.

"You sound really good" he said laughing and I glared at him.

"Shut up" I muttered as Derek pulled up to a cabin and I raised an eyebrow. "Why are we here?" I asked and Derek chuckled and unbuckled himself.

"Because, we are spending the rest of the day here" Derek said as I unbuckled and we both got out of the car. Derek grabs my hand and pulls to to the front door of the cabin and pulls out a key from his pocket. He unlocks the door and opens it allowing me to walk in first, I walked in and Derek followed shortly and shuts the door making me jump.

"Is this the part where you kill me?" I asked and Derek looked over at me with a straight face.

"Yes yes it is" he said and I backed away from him a little, he laughed. "I'm joking, no it's not the part where I kill you" he said and I exhaled. He walked over to me and wraps his arms around me, I immediately put my head on his chest. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I killed you, let alone mate?" He asked and I looked up at him and he smiled.

"Did you know that I love your smile?" I asked and Derek smirked.

"Is that all?" He asked and I thought for a second and he chuckled.

"Yup that's it" I replied and Derek's smile fell and I laughed "I love everything about you" I said and Derek chuckled .

"Everything?" He asked and I nodded.

"I love your bad boy look, super hot, I love your smile, your body, your face, your eyes, your smell, everything" I said and Derek smirked and I realized that I said that I loved his body out loud and covered my face. "AH, IGNORE THAT!" I said and Derek laughed.

"Nah, I looked it" he said and kissed my forehead "besides, this look isn't a look, it's the real deal, I'm a bad boy" he said kissing my cheek.

"You're not one when I'm around" I said looking at him and he shrugged.

"I don't want you seeing it" he said looking at me and I frowned "though you think I am, so I guess next time we run into a person trying to kill us I'll show you" he said and was about to kiss me when my phone went off, he groaned and grabbed it then answered it "what?" He snapped and I frowned "what did Stiles do?" Derek sounded annoyed there was a pause "okay what did you do?" He asked and I reached for my phone.

"Give me my phone" I hissed and Derek hands me it.

"It's for you anyways" Derek said and sat on the couch near us, I put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked and I sat next to Derek.

"Scott is literally in pain, I can't get ahold of Annabelle" Stiles said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure it's Annabelle? Maybe Scott is hurting because of a different reason" I said and I looked at the ground.

"I want to make sure Annabelle is okay before jumping to conclusions Skyler" Stiles said and I sighed.

"Okay can you put Scott on the phone?" I asked there was a slight pause then Scott's voice came through the phone.

"Yeah?" He asked and I exhaled.

"What's going on?" I asked standing up and Derek pulls me down again.

"My side feels like it's on fire, and it's turning black" Scott said and I thought for a second.

"Have you contacted Deaton?" I asked and I looked at Derek who raised an eyebrow at me.

"No, he's not picking up, I tried calling mom, but got no answer as well" Scott said and I looked at the TV and grabbed the remote then turned it on, I flipped through the channels until I found the news.

"Through out beacon hills all phones have been turned off, no one can get through to anyone, and I'm being told that the TV's and any technology will be turned-" then it was static.

"Scott, where are you right now?" I asked and I turned off the TV.

"With Stiles and Isaac just outside of beacon hills why?" Scott asked and I exhaled.

"Whatever you do, do not go into beacon hills, the whole town's technology is being turned off for some unknown reason" I said but only got static, I growled and throw my phone on the couch.

"What happened?" Derek asked, and I looked at him.
(Scotts POV)
I was on the phone with Skyler when the line went dead.

"Whatever you do don't go into-" then it went died, I handed Stiles his phone.

"What happened?" Isaac asked and I groaned.

"The line died, I need to call Derek" I replied and pulled out my phone but hissed in pain. I looked at Isaac who had his phone to his ear then handed it to me.

"Scott what ever you do, do not go into beacon hills! The phone lines and TV lines are down" Skyler said.

"Alright, what about mom?" I asked and Skyler sighed.

"One of you boys have to go in without their phone and talk to mom, I rather it not be you Scott, it should be Isaac or Stiles" Skyler said and I looked at them.

"Which one should go?" I asked Skyler, there was a slight pause then a mumbled voice said something behind Skyler.

"Derek's saying Isaac, unless, there a black ring around beacon hills, have Stiles check it out without his phone or else it will be disconnected" Skyler said and I looked at Stiles.

"Stiles, leave your phone in your Jeep, check if there is a black ring around beacon hills" I told Stiles who got out of the Jeep and out his phone on his seat then walked to the boarder.

"Though it might not be there, only because you three for out, so I'm guessing it's fine for Isaac to go in" Skyler said and Stiles got back into the jeep.

"I have to, the ring is around it, though I didn't see it before we left" Stiles said and I nodded.

"Okay I'm sending Stiles in the rings there, I'll call you later" I said then hung up as Stiles sighed and walked out of the jeep again.

Mated to Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now