Chapter 6

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It seemed like forever until my phone started ringing again, I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked and I sighed when Derek's voice comes through the phone.

"Scott is aware that you are stuck, he'll see what happened, I need you to breath though" Derek said and I tried breathing but it was really hard to.

"I can't Derek, it's hard to breathe" I replied and Derek cusses under his breath.

"Someone is cutting off your oxygen from outside of the elevator, okay, just stay on the phone with me" he said but I already dropped my phone on the ground "Skyler?" Derek asked when he didn't get a answer.

"D-derek.." I said weakly and I passed out of lack of oxygen. I opened my eyes and gasped for air as someone opened the elevator door, I saw nothing but shades and blurry images and muffled voices.

"Skyler" someone's voice rang clear "Skyler" they repeated it.

"Who's there?" I asked and the blurry image looked over at another one.

"It's Derek, and Scott" Derek said and then I heard a muffled voice behind Derek's. "And Stiles" Derek added then Derek's face became unblurred.

"I.." I started to say but Derek shook his head.

"Don't say anything, your lucky to be alive Skyler. You ran out of oxygen, Scott had to force the elevator door open." Derek said and I blinked.

"I can't..." I continued to say but a muffled voice interpreted me. "I CANT!" I yelled and Derek looked at me "I can't he.." I tried saying, but again a muffled voice interpreted me.

"Yes I think so Scott" Derek said and I started panicking again.

"Derek!" I said and Derek looks at me "I can't, I can't" I said and Derek nodded me to continue "I can't" I repeated.

"You can't what Skyler?" He asked and a muffled voice said something "I don't know Scott" Derek said and the muffled voice said something else and it went silent. "Skyler?" Derek asked and I looked at him "are you okay?" He asked and shook my head really fast.

"No! I can't, I can't see!" I said and Derek raised an eyebrow "I can't hear! Derek, I can't!" I started panicking again, Derek looked at the blurry people then back at me.

"What do you mean?" Derek asked and I looked around and saw nothing.

"I can't see anything, or hear anyone, all I see and hear is you Derek" I said and Derek picked me up and took me out to the elevator I was in, then I heard a muffled voice.

"Did you hear that?" Derek asked and I shook my head.

"No... Just muffled" I responded and Derek looked at the other people.

"Okay focus on me" Derek said and I looked at him "I don't know what happened to you, but we will get to the bottom of it I promise" Derek said and I nodded, then a muffled voice said something.

"... inhaler?" Scotts voice started to get unmuffled.

"Yes" I replied and Derek looked at me then I saw something blurry in Derek's hand. "I can't see that" I said looking at Derek.

"It's Scott's inhaler" Derek said and I slowly reached out, I saw my hand shaking but I grabbed it and brought it to my lips shakily but Derek stopped me. "Let me" Derek said and took it.

"If anything I should, she's my sister" Scott said and Derek looked at him.

"I'll do it" Derek replied and put something in my mouth and I inhaled some oxygen "better?" Derek asked and I nodded, I started seeing Scott and Stiles figures form and I exhaled. "Can you see now?" Derek asked and I nodded.

"She was having a panic attack??" Scott asked and Derek shrugged.

"Looks like it" Derek said and looked at me "are you afraid of small spaces?" Derek asked and I nodded "then yes it was a panic attack" Derek said looking at Scott and Stiles.

"So staying in a small elevator for a long period of time like she was made her have one" Stiles said and I nodded.

"Did you guys figure out who did it?" I asked and the boys shook their heads.

"But we will find out sis, promise" Scott said and I nodded "come on let's go home" Scott said and I shook my head.

"I don't feel comfortable going home Scott" I said and Scott looked at me. "With what happened just now, I don't want to go through it again" I said and Scott sighed.

"You can stay in my room Skyler, but we need to get home before mom gets mad at us again" Scott said and I nodded and got in Stiles jeep. I looked around me and patted my pockets looking for my phone, then a tap hit my window and I looked at Derek holding up my phone.

"Here I figured you needed this" he said after I rolled down the window, I smiled lightly and grabbed it from him.

"Thanks" I replied and he nodded then walked off. I then unlocked my phone and saw Derek's phone number updated, the name on the contract says 'hottie' and I frowned but texted him as Scott and Stiles got in the jeep.

To Derek
From Skyler

Thank you for saving me and what the heck is a name like 'hottie'?

I hit sent and leaned against the seat as Scott and Stiles talked I heard my phone go off and looked at it.

To Skyler
From Derek

Of course, if you are ever in trouble I'll be there, and because I'm hot of course

I rolled my eyes and turned off my phone and looked at Scott and Stiles, Stiles looked at me from the front seat and Scott was looking at me from his seat.

"What?" I asked and Stiles chuckled.

"What?" Stiles mimicked and Scott hit him "ow" he said.

"Why are you blushing?" Scott asked amused and I frowned.

"None of your business that why" I said getting out of Stiles Jeep and walked up to the front door, Scott follows me.

"Wait, stop" Scott said as he listens "do you hear that?" He asked me and I tried listening and shook my head. "Someone is in the house and its not mom" Scott said and he opens the door and slowly walks in the house and I rolled my eyes and walked in.

"You're just paranoid" I said and Scott looks at me.

"Just stay here while I check the house" Scott said and started walking around the house and I stood there with my arms folded, Scott came back downstairs and sighed. "I think I was just imagining things" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I need a shower" I said and walked upstairs and into my room, I shut my door and turned around, then I jumped when I saw Derek standing in my room. "What the hell Derek?" I whispered yelled and he shrugged.

"I wanted to make sure you got home safely" he said and I frowned.

"You could have been a normal person and called or texted me" I said and Derek frowned.

"I don't think I am normal, besides I wanted to make sure you got some rest" he said and I frowned.

"You were there, I told Scott I'm sleeping in his room, I'm just here to take a shower and get ready for bed" I said and Derek nodded and I went to grab my pajamas.

"I know that, I'll call you tomorrow alright?" He said and I nodded then he left through my window.

Mated to Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now