4 - I Promise

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** Dakota's POV **

AB: I don't really think it's a good idea to actually try to get out of those cuffs...

HB: Oh? And why is that?

AB: Well, there is that two-way mirror over there... it could be another test.

HB: Maybe, but if we get these cuffs off, we would have an advantage if someone comes in and wants to hurt us. Don't worry AB. I promise we will do like all those true crime shows taught us. Play along until the perfect moment comes to strike, run, or both.

I held my hands in the same position they had been in prior to my slipping my hands from them. Thankfully, the person who put them on me hadn't tightened them all the way and I had just enough space to fit my hands through. I stayed seated for a moment as I ran various possible scenarios of how the next encounter would go. While I contemplated what could happen I heard some small noises from the other side of the door. Before I could think, my body moved to the hinged side of the door; the perfect space to shield myself from the view of whoever was about to enter.

As suspected, the lock on the door clicked and the door swung open. However, before another step was taken, the person sighed and whispered to themselves with a hint of fear, "Not again..."

"It's alright, I'll take care of it this time." A gentle voice stated. A few steps were taken as the two of them shuffled around each other. "We know you're in here." The calming voice called into the room. "I'm going to assume you're behind the door?" The person inquired politely, but clearly it was rhetorical. A small pause filled the air, I assumed it was meant to allow me time to move out from my 'clever' hiding spot.

AB: Wait, how do they know where we're hiding?

HB: Well, apparently this isn't their first time doing this. Or maybe they just know where the only hiding spot in this room is?

"Is it alright if my friend and I come in? I promise we won't hurt you." The gentle person again called out. Still, I refused to give in until I knew more.

AB: Do you think they will just leave us alone if we stay here long enough?
HB: Maybe, but I don't think that will end well for us. After all, we'll still be locked in here.
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions. I know I did when I went through this. It was all very confusing. The same goes for Freddy."


With delicate and tentative steps I approached the other side of the door and peered around it. A woman, no older than 25 stood before me. Her face held the most patient and calm smile, and her body posture was welcoming. It was almost as if she were approaching me as she would a stray dog, in an attempt to save me.

"What do you mean?' I heard myself ask.

"I promise, I'll answer all your questions in time." She replied as she waved for me to come closer. She continued, "We'd love to show you where you are and tell you more about why you're here."

I took a hesitant step back behind the door, unsure of whether I could really trust her or not. The man behind her glanced down at his wrist and sighed. Again the woman spoke, "How about this; let's just start with introducing ourselves. I'm Natalie, and the man behind me is Freddy." Freddy gave a small wave, with an impatient expression on his face, lips pursed and eyebrows raised. His hand was saying 'Hi' but his face was saying 'let's get this over with'.

AB: What do we say here?

HB: What do you mean?

AB: If we give them our real name they could find our family and ask them for the ransom like they probably want. If we give them a fake name, our family is safe and they can't hurt them. However, if we give them a fake name the police won't know where we are or how to find us.

HB: Oh we need so much more time to discuss why that is some seriously flawed logic. Though I do agree. Our full name may not be the best idea for this...

WB: You could use mine.

AB/HB: Huh?

WB: I have a name, remember?

HB: Yeah, Dakota. Remember? That's us.

WB: No. See? This is why we have problems connecting. I'm your wolf counterpart. Gifted to you by the Moon Goddess herself, but I am not you. We are one and two all at once. In this discussion we have two different names.

AB: OH NO! WE NEVER DID INTRODUCTIONS! I'm so sorry! You must think we're so rude! I'm Dakota's Anxiety, this is her overly idealistic and macho heroic side. That over there is her ridiculously lust-filled, sex-driven, U-haul side—

WB: I know you all AB. You used to know my name, back when we first bonded; but I guess the parents and other jerks in our lives really screwed our relationship up. You've clearly forgotten all about me.

"I told you. Guinevere said she was gonna be a handful. Just move over Natalie. We have a schedule to keep." Freddy said as he pushed his way passed her.

"I don't think that's such a good id—" Natalie tried to interrupt but Freddy was already reaching out. His movement startled my already adrenaline filled body and as such, I reacted impulsively. My hands instinctively clapped around Freddy's ears and as he bent to the floor, with a pained yelp, I jumped over him and tried to make my escape.

As I ran past Natalie, she grabbed my arm, pulled it behind my back and pressed me, face-first, against the nearest wall. "Ah, ah, ah." She stated as she pinned me. I was now positioned as a criminal in the process of being arrested. "Freddy, you alright?" Natalie called to her friend.

"What?!" He answered with an echoing yell. A small smirk crept across my lips in satisfaction

HB: Cool, it worked! I always wanted to try that!

WB: Perfect. Now, my full name is—

"ARE YOU OKAY?" She called back to him again, much louder this time. Her voice was so loud I almost missed my wolf's name. But I felt it. As soon as I knew it, I felt chills run all across my body, with power and goosebumps alike.

"YES I'M GAY!" He yelled back as he approached. "WHY THE HELL WOULD THAT MATTER?" Out of the corner of my eye I could see him nod in my direction, "CAN YOU HANDLE HER? I GOTTA GO SEE THE DOC NOW."

"YES!" Natalie yelled in reply with an exaggerated nod. As he walked down the hall Natalie looked back to me. Her calm voice returned as she started, "Look, I really don't want to put you back in sedation... Okay? But, you're gonna have to give me something to work with here."

HB: Well we can't use your full name...

WB: Why not?

HB: It sounds too exotic. We need a nickname for it.

CB: BUT I LOVE THE NEW NAME! It gives us chills when we think it.

WB: Imagine what will happen when you're called it.

CB: oooh... OHHH!!! LET'S DO IT! LET'S USE IT!

HB: NO! We don't need to draw anymore attention to ourself.

WB: Fine then; but I get to choose the nickname.

With a relented sigh I replied, "You can call me Lauren."

** Author's note: We are so sorry for the slow update with this. However, even though life got in the way for a hot minute there: we are back! 

We hope you enjoy this chapter and we can't wait to upload the next on Thursday!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Tell us, what would your escape strategy have been?

As always, thank you so much for reading! :) **

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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