The Tests

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** Dakota's P.O.V. **

"Wake up already!" A gruff, deep and familiar voice shouted in front of me.

"Wakey, wakey!" A different but equally familiar female voice taunted in a sing-song manner. Her voice grew with excitement as she grabbed both my shoulders from behind, "It's time to face your reckoning you little liar!" Her hands squeezed my shoulders hard.

Gradually, visions of my exploration in the woods entered my mind's eye as I tried to figure out where I was and whose company I was, unfortunately, in. My mind tried, with all its might, to open my eyes and will my hands to move, but the commands fell on deaf nerves as every part of my body remained asleep.

"Will you two idiots step aside." An unknown, impatient, feminine voice chastised with a slight hiss. I could feel my brow furrow as I began to remember my encounter with two of the people I was hearing but I didn't recognize this new voice.

The man, Kev, defiantly dared, "Ugh. Fine. You think you can do better? Be my guest." I couldn't see anything, but I assumed he had made an overexaggerated motion in my direction as he spoke.

"Awe!" The girl, Olivia, huffed as she shoved my shoulders forward. The small act of defiance against who I presumed to be her superior, felt like a child throwing a small tantrum.

A pair of heels clicked across the floor in my direction. The stranger's voice stated confidently as she neared, "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar."

I felt a set of long, slender and toned legs straddle mine. A finger gently traced along the top of my left shoulder in search of the perfect place to rest her delicate hand. My body was highly confused by the sudden change in climate of my situation. At first, everything and everyone felt hostile, now it was...

HB: Um, what is happening here?

UB: We're being interro-seduced.

WB: What the heck is that?

UB: Obviously interrogated and seduced at the same time.

HB: That makes zero sense.

UB: On the contrary, it's akin to the good-cop-bad-cop routine. Only, in this instance it's the ugly-cop-hot-cop routine.

WB: This will never work.

AB: We still have zero control of our body guys! We can't even open our eyes!

My mind was waking more and more but my body still remained in its comatose stated. The woman's hand found an apparently suitable spot to perch as the rest of her fingers wrapped around my shoulder, close to the base of my neck. Gently she began to message the relaxed muscle.

AB: How are we relaxed right now?

HB: It's the drug AB. The effects of it are quite nice. A good sleep and complete relaxation? We could use more of this.

AB: WHAT? Sure. Let's roofie ourself every night! That's not gonna do any lasting damage or put us in harm's way. Besides, you seem to be missing the severity of our current situation, AGAIN.

The woman's body weight shifted closer to me; her opposite hand ran its fingers through my hair as her mouth found my ear. "It's time to wake up my pet." She cooed, her voice was soft like velvet and thick with sensuality.

HB: Seriously? Does this ever work?

WB: We have a mate. She clearly has no chance.

UB: I'm so here for this.


In that same moment, the woman leaned even closer, her hair fell between her face and mine, tickling my cheek in the process. Her scent was a bewitching combination of lavender and jasmine. "It's time to tell us everything about you." She whispered. A small tingle of subconscious excitement crawled up my spine in response, resulting in a visible quiver in my bottom lip.

The Wolf Without (Book 2 of The Wolf Within Series)Where stories live. Discover now