"Nice, the food came, let's eat, shall we," she says, smiling back at us and all we can do is smile back. "oh, how's Nashville treating you?" I asked Kevin. "Bro, it's heaven. I'm so glad I was traded!" he answered, taking a bit of his burger. "I can imagine, that good that it all worked out," James says, patting Kevin's shoulder. "exactly, and the best part is I don't have to see Andrew's face every day at practice and hear him bitch and moan complaining about you both," he says smiling.

"what I wouldn't have given to be there when he found out we got engaged, serves him right, asshole," I say, rubbing Allison's back, and I watch her eat her food.

"Oh, I was there, and let me tell you, it was awesome! Perfecting going away gift for me! He found out in the locker room after a game, the reporters were getting calls about the news, and he heard them talking about it and the articles that were going to spread out soon; he threw a stick across the locker room and cursed all night, but all I can say is Karma bro" Kev says smugly."Well, speaking of captain Karma" we hear James say only to see Andrew and a few of his teammates walk into the restaurant, and they spot us at the table. They walk over. "well, hello guys, how's the food? "Andrew says, smiling but can't keep his gaze off Allison. I watch her look up "it's great, we'll have a nice meal" she goes back to eating.

I reach over to drape my arm behind her on the back of her chair as I rub her back, and I can see it annoy Andrew a bit more, and I was okay with that; the rest of the guys were too busy talking to Kevin and James on the other side of the table.

"Oh, yea, by the way, congratulations on the engagement," he says with annoyance."Thanks, man, but I would look forward to an invitation mail, but it always gets lost, so if you don't get one, it was lost," I say, looking at him with a wink.

I see him look down at Allison's hand and scoffs. "I don't know how you got her to say yes with that; it doesn't even have a diamond on it," he huffs. I was about to rip his head off hearing him talk about my mother's ring like that, but then I feel Allison put her hand on my thigh. I watch her look up at him.

"Andrew, thank you for the congratulations, but please watch the things you say; if you knew me like you say you do or did, you would know I don't need a big and expensive diamond ring, the one I'm wearing, and the one he gave me belonged to his mother" I lean into Danny and hold his hand.

"I find it much more valuable than something you can buy at tiffany's so, please make your way to the table so I can finish my meal in peace," she says sternly.The guys looked back at her with wide eyes. I, however, squeezed her shoulder with care and leaned in to kiss her cheek, feeling so proud of my baby. God, I love this woman so much, I thought to myself.

"Enjoy your meal. You heard what my fiancé said. We will catch you later" I smile.I watch Andrew turn pale, and the guys with him try their best to withhold their laughter as they watched him be humiliated; they were good guys, and so I'm sure they enjoyed watching Andrew get put in his place, and to me, it was sexy as hell.

We finished the dinner, and we all had to get ready for the gala dinner; when we got back to the hotel room, I turned, scooped her in my arms, and I carried her into the bed and multiple orgasms later, we were lying in bed and needed to start getting ready, we both took another steamy shower, and as I put my suit on, I watch her get her hair done; she curled her hair and put her makeup on even though she didn't even need it to look beautiful.She slips on her long black dress, and as I help her zip the backup, I kiss the back of her neck. "I love you so much, baby," I say with every inch of my being. "I love you too; please don't hurt me," she says, looking back at me.

I was caught off guard at how random that was, and I was getting confused. I reach over to cup her face and place a gentle kiss on her lips, getting a little of her lipstick on my lips."Baby, I would never hurt you, you'll be my wife, and I will love and cherish you every day I breathe; why would you think..." the knock at the door interrupted me. I walk over to open it to James and Kevin standing there with their suit and ties.

"Don't I look sexy in anything I wear?" James was confidently fixing his lapels."Oh, please, all the girls like me more in high school, remember," Kevin says back as they walk into our room.

"Ugh, you guys have the worst time ever," I mumble and walk back to Allison."It's only worst timing to you but judging by that lipstick on you, I have great timing as a brother since you were going to fornicate with my sister," Kevin says as he shivers and grimaces, James however, laughs his ass off.

"Kevin! Maturity, please find some," I hear Allison say annoyed, I get in front of her, and I press her up to me.

"Baby, remember I will never hurt you okay, I love you, I don't know what's wrong with you, but you can always talk to me" I look at her lovingly, reassuring her.

"Alright, lovebirds, Danny bro, I suggest you wipe those lips real quick, or else everyone thinks you are going to start cross-dressing," James says with a chuckle.

"Fuck it, I'll go like this, my future wife put it on me, and a little lip tint doesn't hurt anyone," I say, pulling her close, and I hear her laugh.

"Well, might as well go full Dennis rodman then, Allie, you got a spare dress for your future husband," he says mockingly at me.

"That's not a threat Kev, I look great in red, and your sister loves how my legs look in any outfit. The shorter, the better," I say, flying him a kiss, and Kevin's jaw drops to the ground. James spits the water he just took off from a water bottle he had; as I see Allison's beautiful smile along with her laughter, it never failed always to make me smile.

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