Still, I could tell by the look in James's eyes he already knew the real reason I was making this change. "Allison, I've known you for a long time. You don't have to be embarrassed when I last spoke to Kev; we both concluded that douche bag Andrew wasn't good enough for you anyway!"

I gave him a hug and let out a sigh of relief. "I swear it's like I have 3 overprotective brothers I thought to myself as I hear him laugh at my sudden sign of affection, oh, by the way, my parents say hello, and they are sorry they couldn't have dinner tonight, but they were trying to beat the traffic rush since they had a luncheon to go to tomorrow so they ended up go straight back home." He waves his hand in the air.

"Oh, it's no biggie. I see them every home game. It's nice; feels like I'm a teen again when I see them in the stands," chuckling at the confession. "Well, how long will you be in town until you fully transfer here? You want to head out for drinks with the guys. We usually go to a little local hangout after the game to celebrate a win." He pouts.

I smiled politely back at him and was going to decline graciously because a night out with drunk hockey players was not the smartest idea, let alone if Danny Callister will be one of them tagging along. My willpower at the current moment is little to none, and I'm just being honest with myself; mixing liquor in my system won't help much. Right before I was about to open my mouth, Jennifer popped out from nowhere, interjecting herself in the conversation.

"Oh, that's great, James take our girl out and let her have some fun; I felt bad that I couldn't since you know this and all," rubbing her baby bump and laughing.

"My bar and party days are over, and now it's future diapers and bottles and a different kind of all-nighter's," she says with a laugh; I look at her with a grin "touché, my friend," I say with a laugh. "I don't see why it wouldn't hurt, "I say shyly, shrugging my shoulders at James . "Alright, I will tag along. "James gives us a bright smile after my reply.

"Well, then it's a done deal, shall we!" James flashes us a smile swinging his arm over to the doors, then out of the blue; we hear someone walk up right behind us. "Shall we what?" his voice low and smooth as velvet, and it caused my insides to turn because I knew who it belonged to. I see a sly grin appear on my best friend's face, and I feel mines turn red hot from the blush.

"Oh, Danny, I convinced Allison here to tag along with us at O'Reilly's to have a few victory drinks," James says with a hand to his shoulder.  I turn to see a sexy grin on his already chiseled face and jaw. "oh, nice, I would love to get to know this pretty little thing," giving me a wink.

It was at that moment I felt like I was slapped back to reality; I bet to "The Danny Callister ego" a line like that would have the women swoon, but all it did was remind me how much of a player he really was, How all big ego-driven athletes are wired when they lock their eyes on a pretty lady that they want to have fawning over them, and that was far from what I am. It shattered all the tingly feelings I had when it came to Danny Callister.

I looked back at him and just gave him a little grin. "Pretty little thing ahh.. do all the girls actually think that line is flattering?" I glance over with a little look of disgust, and I know he sees it too. "Interesting, Jen, a quick word, please" I hear a chuckle come from Jen and James as She walks over to the side with me. " is he serious? Pretty little thing, he really thinks of me as some kind of puck bunny, huh?" cringing at just the memory of him saying it.

"Oh, Allie, He isn't that bad, granted. Yes, it wasn't the best thing to say, but I know some of the guys on the team well, and besides being a flirty playboy, his personality is a lot nicer than what he gives out Hockey player persona-wise." I shake my head.

"Yea, dear friend, I am done dating athletes remember?" I say while she just smiles back at me warmly.

"Allie bear, no matter what you decide, I will be behind you all the way, but I do know you very well, and those heart eyes you had earlier tonight for him at the game were something I haven't seen in you, not even with what his face Andrew?" I look at her and then look at the guys behind her as they watch us both carefully.

Lonely for you onlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora