"But now, at least you're with me, Oppa," she smiled at me.

I smiled back, noticing how pretty Nayeon looked without makeup.

In fact, I'd actually prefer her and the rest of Twice with minimal makeup.

Personally, I find them prettier with minimal makeup, if any at all.

"Can you call this a date, Oppa?" she suddenly asked.

"Huh?" I was totally caught off-guard from that question.

It was just so random.

"Do you consider this as a date?" she repeated, looking a bit embarrassed, "I mean, you just bought me food, and now we're walking around like we're a couple or something like that..."

"Aish... Nayeon-ssi," I chuckled, "You're so silly sometimes," and then moved closer to her, "But seriously, in some ways, yes, some people would consider this as a date."

She looked at me naughtily, "Well, at least my date tonight would protect me from the paparazzi, right?"

I shrugged, "That's part of my job."

Before our conversation would go any further, we both noticed that we just reached the dorm.

As we entered the elevator, Nayeon suddenly became more visibly awkward.

"What's wrong, Nayeon-ssi?" I asked, "Something bothering you?"

"Oppa," she looked at me straight in the eye, "Can we talk in your dorm?"

"Okay, sure thing. No problem."

Once we got to my place, I took her hoodie as soon as she removed it.

I ushered her to the sofa, asking if she needed or wanted anything.

"It's okay, Oppa," she replied, "I'm full now. Maybe just a glass of water?"

"Okay then." After a couple of minutes, I sat down next to her, handing her a glass of water, "What's on your mind, Nayeon-ssi?"

She drank half of her water, set the glass down on the table, and took a deep breath, "I'm a little bit worried, Oppa."

"About what?"

She sighed again, "About what's going on with the other members now," she looked at me before continuing, "I mean, because now we have very different schedules, so we don't see each other that often anymore. Unlike when we were promoting as a group, we were all travelling together, performing together, eating together, and so on. But now, except from Sana and Tzuyu, I don't see much of the other members as I want to, and we don't talk that much as we used to."

I exhaled, admiring how much Nayeon cares for her members.

"It's just a phase right now," I assured her, "I mean, you girls will be back together as a group by next year. Heck, you do have some group activities scheduled for your Japanese promotions later this year."

"Well... yeah..." she nodded, "But still, I mean, because I don't see Chaeyoung or Mina or Jihyo as often as before, I feel a little bit lonely."

"I see," I replied, "But don't worry too much about that. I know that each of you girls is enjoying your individual activities now because you're given more flexibility to show your skills, but at the same time I can also tell you that you're not the only one having this concern right now."


I nodded, "Really. Because I get to go around and talk to some of you everyday, I know what's going on as well. Aside from you, Dahyun is actually very worried as well about each one of you. Mina said she misses performing onstage with the rest of you."

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